Dune 3: Children of Dune

This book was hard to read. The author’s extreme misogyny and homophobia become central themes in the story. As does his explicit endorsement and justification of intergenerational relationships which really cross moral boundaries. Nevertheless, the narrative form and conclusion of most of the storylines from the beginning of the series give this book a satisfying… Continue reading Dune 3: Children of Dune

Dune 2: Messiah

Much in the same way as Asimov’s Foundation series started out, Paul creates a religion to facilitate the execution of his power and vision for the universe. His fanatic legions perpetrate a Jihad across the universe, killing tens of billions of people and cementing the new political order with Paul ostensibly ruling the universe as… Continue reading Dune 2: Messiah

Dune 1

Dune is a story about power. Paul finds himself in the position to decide whether or not he wants to seize power. Just as these characters found themselves in the same position…   Gandalf and Galadriel were both tempted with power. They both saw a vision of a future where they had the power to… Continue reading Dune 1

Expanse 7.5 – Auberon

Auberon felt like a second-installation of the previous The Churn Novella which was also great. I think overall, this was my favorite of the novellas. It focuses on the early Laconian transition in Auberon and brings Eric in from The Churn. Really great story and it ties off several loose ends. I also really like… Continue reading Expanse 7.5 – Auberon

The Broken Earth Trilogy by N. K. Jemisin

The Broken Earth book series was recommended by a close friend. It is an amazing read. Afrofuturism in general is always amazingly insightful, and I find that’s especially true when it’s distant-future Afrofuturism. These books paint a picture of a post-apocalyptic world, but it’s a world that has passed so many apocalypses that the landscape… Continue reading The Broken Earth Trilogy by N. K. Jemisin

Idoru by William Gibson

This is the second book of The Bridge, a newer trilogy by Gibson which reintroduces many of his earlier ideas within the context of the new technologies that had come out since the Sprawl Trilogy. One of my favorite pieces of this story is the concept of “nodal points,” “emergent systems of history,” “the shapes… Continue reading Idoru by William Gibson