The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman

The Magician’s Land is the third and final book in the Magician’s Series. It follows The Magicians and The Magician King.  This book neatly ties up the loose ends left by the other two books. It takes us to a whole new level of magic and power, and it ends the series on a consonant tone which leaves you feeling a sense of completion.

You can get the audio book for free here or ask me for a copy personally. Personally, I usually prefer audio books. This one has a great reader who does the story justice.

The Magicians LandThere is a great deal in the show which is not in any of the books, and most of this book is not in the show. Maybe some of it will come later?

Overall, the Magician King is definitely the best book in the series, while this one is a close second. Definitely worth the read!