OAuth Password Redirects

It’s frustrating and insecure to use htpasswords to secure a web server. Even if you use very long passwords, it would still technically be possible to bruteforce even with something like fail2ban given sufficient client IP addresses. Unfortunately for some applications like WordPress, PHPMyAdmin or many other legacy applications, there just isn’t a better alternative… Continue reading OAuth Password Redirects

Categorized as Ideas

Startup 10: Astria

Astria represents an exciting new version completely from scratch of a web application framework I initially started over a decade ago. Astria manages database connections and allows rapid development of data-driven applications. It is very easy to create large and complex databases which Astria can serve as a simple JSON API, or as a complete managed… Continue reading Startup 10: Astria

Years of Problems Solved

#!/bin/bash #deletes old backups find /var/www/backups/ -mindepth 1 -mmin +$((60*24)) -delete #creates new backups tar -czf “/var/www/backups/webs-$( date +’%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S’ ).gz” /var/www/webs /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p[mysql root password] –all-databases | gzip > “/var/www/backups/mysql-$( date +’%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S’ ).sql.gz” This is a script I wrote years ago that shall live in infamy. It creates an automatic backup of databases and… Continue reading Years of Problems Solved