Startup 8: Stardate.Today

For years, I have calendared prolifically. (Is that a word?) I track all the granular details: my to-do list is on one calendar; all my classes and homework; my social life; gym, yoga and exercise; and previously my jobs at Tech 2u and Starbucks. Each of these topics is on its own color-coded calendar within Google Calendar. You can take a look at what my weeks look like at

There is a problem though. Sometimes I wonder what I accomplished on a particular day off or with my free time after work. I go back in my calendar to check, and there is nothing there; just a blank spot where I neglected to note the day’s events. It’s hard to quantify how well I use free time or time at work when I don’t have any record of what I accomplished. What if I could make like Janeway and just shout at the wall like it’s my journal?

Journaling always sounded interesting, but there’s no way I am going to lug around paper and a pen to write in it, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be searchable.

Enter Stardate.Today. This simple tool lets me type out my stream of consciousness into private posts, and then adds them to a timeline for me to search back through. They are also added to my calendar so I can see when each thing happened.

It takes just seconds to get started. Simply log in with google and you will be given a link which you can enter into your phone or any calendar tool. On the homepage, you are presented with a simple box to type in and a list of your past posts. When you enter a post, it is automatically added to your calendar.

Simple as that.