Startup 9: What are you wearing today?

Like many people, I am a student. I attend over a dozen classes at two different colleges. I also attend regular social events and networking meetups. I often wonder as I am dressing, is this the same thing I wore last time I went to the place I’m heading now?

It sounds silly, but it’s something I always ask myself because I want to make the right impression. This is further complicated by the fact that I am something of a minimalist, so I keep less than ten shirts at any given time and only a few pair of pants/ shorts.

I was talking one day to my mom about this anxiety I feel, and she emphatically agreed.

I decided to make a simple app to keep track of what I wear each day so that I can look back and see what I wore last time I was at a particular class or event and know not to wear the same thing again. It’s schmuck insurance.

Wearing.Today is the result!


The minimum viable product version of this app is not social; each user’s profile is private. Users can post pictures from a simple single-page app which also lets them edit each post’s blurb, or delete their posts.

Paradigm Shift

This app is written completely in the functional paradigm. I wrote it as a single page html/js application which is built to be hosted on S3 and take advantage of Lambda for the functions.

I did not actually deploy it there because I Don’t already have accounts with those services, and they don’t support my primary language, PHP. The point was not to actually do those things, but to rapidly write a simple, complete app in that paradigm and get a sense of the workflow and how to construct the API.