I wrote at length about each chapter of this excellent book. It is both a primer on the history of the struggle of native people and also a vision of the future. Estes shows many examples of what white settler colonialism is, how it has been successfully countered, and what a possible future might look… Continue reading Our History is the Future by Nick Estes
Category: AIS460 Power and Politics in American Indian History
“The Police Killings No One Is Talking About”
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Stephanie Woodward, “The Police Killings No One is Talking About” In 2014, police murdered a pregnant woman who was at a hospital for mental health issues by shooting her many times. (Woodward) These kinds of events are commonplace and there is no complete record of… Continue reading “The Police Killings No One Is Talking About”
“For Our Nations to Live, Capitalism Must Die”
Glen Coulthard, “For Our Nations to Live, Capitalism Must Die” (2013) The author begins by describing the tactics being used to silence native critiques of settler colonialism. This argument is basically the illocutionary silencing argument; language is reconstructed by settler colonists in an attempt to take away the power of words to have action… Continue reading “For Our Nations to Live, Capitalism Must Die”
Nick Estes: Liberation
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 8 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 7. Liberation (pages 247-258) 11 pages The chapter begins by discussing the way the story of Custer has been twisted and misrepresented. In reality, native people were gathering together to celebrate the new… Continue reading Nick Estes: Liberation
Film: Angry Inuk
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-22 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 7: Angry Inuk In Alethea Arnaquq-Baril’s documentary “Angry Inuk,” we learned about some of the challenges facing arctic indigenous communities. We see an indigenous family hunting and butchering a seal. For them, seal hunting is an important source of food and trade which they… Continue reading Film: Angry Inuk
Power and Politics in American Indian History: Trick or Treaty?
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-22 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 6: Trick or Treaty? While the corporate media focuses on perceived slights to its freedom, the number of missing and murdered indigenous women moves into the thousands. (NFB 0:00-2:00) Treaties were signed which made guarantees for indigenous people. The James Bay Treaty specifically guaranteed… Continue reading Power and Politics in American Indian History: Trick or Treaty?
Nick Estes: Internationalism
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 7 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 6. Internationalism (pages 201-246) 45 pages A new coalition rose up from the ashes of centuries of centuries of genocide. Leaders from surviving tribes all over the western hemisphere came together in Geneva to hold… Continue reading Nick Estes: Internationalism
“Native Lives Matter”
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Lakota People’s Law Project Report, “Native Lives Matter” Despite systemic violence against native people beginning on the first day of the occupation of “America” by the settler colonists who would birth the white imperial ethnostate, and despite a hundred million murdered native people and billions… Continue reading “Native Lives Matter”
Nick Estes: Red Power
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 6: Red Power Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 5, Red Power The Red Power movement is the name for a broad range of native social justice and freedom movements. (Estes 149) One organization under this umbrella was the American… Continue reading Nick Estes: Red Power
Power and Politics in American Indian History: The Long Disaster of Amerika
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-16 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 5 This is a summary of season 1, episode 8 of the documentary series Rise. After the white imperial ethnostate of Amerika “purchased” the Missouri River Basin from France, explorers were sent in to map the territory and inform the countless people who had… Continue reading Power and Politics in American Indian History: The Long Disaster of Amerika