USP 515 – Environmental Justice Term Paper Summarize what you learned from each and every session in this course. You are required to refer to each session separately and individually with the name of the session on top of each part of your answer. Session 1 “First Peoples and Traditional Territory Introductions” We started… Continue reading USP 515 Term Paper
Category: USP515 Environmental Justice
USP 515 Session 13 Notes
November 16th and 18th Session Thirteen: Addressing Environmental Injustices/Cost Benefit Analysis/Precautionary Principle ASSIGNED READING FOR SESSION THIRTEEN (click on session 13 on left to access reading) Pricing the Priceless (this is a legal article so you may have to review it several times Cost-benefit analysis is a deeply flawed method that repeatedly leads to biased and… Continue reading USP 515 Session 13 Notes
USP 515 Session 12 Notes
November 9th Session Twelve: Civil Rights Part One of this session will focus on how voting rights restoration schemes deny the right to vote to those who cannot afford to pay legal debt. Part Two will focus on Prison Abolition. ASSIGNED READING FOR SESSION TWELVE Part One: Voting Rights/Disenfranchisement Can’t Pay/Can’t Vote Poll taxes, or… Continue reading USP 515 Session 12 Notes
USP 515 Section 11 Notes
November 2nd and 4th Session Eleven: Transportation Justice: Case Study of Curitiba, Brazil This session will focus on inequities and injustices in the transportation sector. We will be guided by the following questions: What are the adverse social consequences of transportation injustice? What policies can be introduced and supported to promote transportation equity and justice? … Continue reading USP 515 Section 11 Notes
USP 515 Session 10 Notes
October 26th and 28th Session Ten: Climate Justice We will focus on the questions below: What do we mean by the term “climate gap”? The climate gap means that communities of color and the poor will suffer more during extreme heat waves. The climate gap means that communities of color and the poor will breathe… Continue reading USP 515 Session 10 Notes
USP 515 Session 9 Notes
October 19th and 21st Session Nine: Research and Measurement Issues In this session we examine the role of research and research methods in helping us understand environmental justice issues and impacts. We will address the following questions: General Research Questions What is research? Looking for answers to questions The careful, thoughtful study of phenomena using information… Continue reading USP 515 Session 9 Notes
USP 515 Session 8 Notes
October 12th and 14th Session Eight: The Environmental Justice Movement In this session we will examine the origins and development of the EJ movement. Class Discussion We talked a lot about mushrooms Maria Sabina Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia Fantastic Fungi Professor talked about the Stoned Ape Hypothesis Mainstream environmental movement Passed more bills than any other social movement,… Continue reading USP 515 Session 8 Notes
Fighting Covid as Systemic Violence
CJ Trowbridge 10-11-2020 USP 515 Environmental Justice Fighting Covid as Systemic Violence Groups of people are not equal. Groups share unequal burdens which can limit their opportunity and resources while also increasing their exposure to harm. I will explore the unequal air pollution burden imposed on some groups, and the knock-on effects which lead to… Continue reading Fighting Covid as Systemic Violence
USP 515 Session 7 Notes
October 5th and 7th Session Seven: Health Justice: Case Study of Covid 19 In this session we will examine how the Covid 19 pandemic has further exposed social and environmental injustices in the United States. We will focus on what students learned through Assignment #1. ASSIGNED READING FOR SESSION SEVEN Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19… Continue reading USP 515 Session 7 Notes
USP 515 Session 6 Notes
September 28th and 30th Session Six: Unequal Protection from Harm Discussion Questions In this session we will examine the concepts of “unequal protection”, “environmental racism”, and environmental justice” in relation to theory, policy and practice. We will address the following questions: What do we learn from reading Lawrence Summer’s memo? Why is it important that… Continue reading USP 515 Session 6 Notes