Moisture Farming

Arizona, Southern California, and Northern Mexico are about to lose access to their main water source. Wells are drying up as rainfall decreases. Despite occasional deluges, many areas are now seeing half the rainfall they did historically. When I visited the Earthship Biotecture Academy at Taos, they said they are getting about half the annual… Continue reading Moisture Farming

AIS 440 Week 1: Introduction to Native Sexuality and Queer Discourse

Read How Does Your Positionality Bias Your Epistemology? Listen Write Using the free website or free app (find on Apple or Google Play) Native Land research the land(s) where you grew up. If you grew up in several different places feel free to list the most relevant. If you grew up outside of the US or Canada,… Continue reading AIS 440 Week 1: Introduction to Native Sexuality and Queer Discourse

round robin ipfs over http

a web gateway protocol that automatically fetches the DNSLink for any c-name pointed at the server and then locally replicates that site and serves it when requested these could easily be round robined by adding redundant c-names to different gateways for your domain. The protocol could be limited to file types like html, css, js,… Continue reading round robin ipfs over http

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Collective Ownership is Key

CJ Trowbridge 2021-07-03 USP 560 – Urban Poverty Final             I have spent a lot of time this year traveling to radically sustainable experimental communities across the country and asking countless questions about infrastructure, ownership models, and governance models and now I’d like to propose a solution to urban poverty. The Community Development Corporation model… Continue reading Collective Ownership is Key

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Seize Housing Now

CJ Trowbridge 2021-07-02 USP 580 Housing Policy & Planning Term Paper The solution to the housing problem in San Francisco (And beyond) is the Community Development Corporation model, and the newly created arts districts are the perfect lever to make that happen. I spent much of the pandemic meeting with the boards of the arts… Continue reading Seize Housing Now

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Urban poverty is Not an Accident

CJ Trowbridge 2021-06-30 USP 560 Urban Poverty Term Paper It’s no mistake that there has never been a capitalist city without poverty. In his essay, “The Urban Process Under Capitalism,” David Harvey explains that cities are a process, not a place. Cities under capitalism – by definition – serve to extract labor and resources from… Continue reading Urban poverty is Not an Accident

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