Hypothetical Stock Picks: Nvidia

Nvidia this week announced a new line of graphics cards which greatly reduces cost while dramatically increasing performance, this puts them firmly on the leading edge of this expensive, niche market. Consumer sentiment on this new product line has been very favorable. , but there is some danger that their competitor AMD could release a… Continue reading Hypothetical Stock Picks: Nvidia

Hypothetical Stock Picks: Disney Earnings After Record Breaking Quarter

This one is an experiment with a different strategy, according to my research, 60% of analysts are currently bullish on Disney. Their upcoming earnings report will cover the release of several blockbusters like Star Wars and Captain America, but also the worrying performance of ESPN. A huge amount of coverage suggests that Star Wars in… Continue reading Hypothetical Stock Picks: Disney Earnings After Record Breaking Quarter

Hypothetical Stock Picks: Tesla Reports Earnings Wednesday After Close

Tesla is announcing earnings Wednesday after the market closes. Currently, it is down a bit after its 13% jump following the announcement of their new electric vehicle. The bottom line for me is that they have sold almost a half-million of this new car since then and they have not even started production yet. Each of those people paid… Continue reading Hypothetical Stock Picks: Tesla Reports Earnings Wednesday After Close

Categorized as Investment

Formulating A Strategy For Speculative Investment

For several months now, I have been learning as much as possible about investment as a precursor to getting into trading; before doing any actual trading, I decided to formulate clear goals and strategies. I posted before about the broad strategy I have decided on; splitting all the money I invest evenly between the two apps Robinhood… Continue reading Formulating A Strategy For Speculative Investment

Categorized as Investment