Goals: Time for a Change

I Haven’t Been Able To Write It has been almost two months since my last goal update. My life has been very tumultuous as I have struggled with an awkward transition. I spent the last few years working on a domain-expertise partnership in order to facilitate the development of my long-term project, which we will… Continue reading Goals: Time for a Change

Categorized as Goals

❤️[Podcast] Tim Ferriss Interviews Esther Perel on Maintaining Desire and Rethinking Infidelity

Tim Ferriss is in Kevin Rose’s words, “very private,” despite his very public personality and lifestyle business. We, the audience, see a very detailed and in-depth view of some parts of his life, but with things like love and relationships, he is more reserved. I have often felt curious about that side of him, and… Continue reading ❤️[Podcast] Tim Ferriss Interviews Esther Perel on Maintaining Desire and Rethinking Infidelity

Categorized as Revisit

Essay: Populism

CJ Trowbridge Carrigan 2017-05-08 English 1A Tue/Thu   What do Donald Trump, Theresa May, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Adolph Hitler all have in common? There are lots of easy answers, but a harder one might explain the easy ones and more; populism. What is populism and what causes it? According to The Economist,… Continue reading Essay: Populism

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❤️ [Podcast][Must Listen] Tim Ferriss – Exploring Smart Drugs, Fasting, and Fat Loss — Dr. Rhonda Patrick

This episode has an unbelievable amount of information. The Guest is Dr. Rhonda Patrick, who Tim describes as, “an American biochemist and scientist.” She has done extensive research and work in the fields of the cellular biology, genetics, nutrition, and nootropics. She views aging as a disease to be treated, and elaborates in depth on all of… Continue reading ❤️ [Podcast][Must Listen] Tim Ferriss – Exploring Smart Drugs, Fasting, and Fat Loss — Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Diverse Monetization

Monetization is what frees content creators to have the time to develop and publish. At the same time, it kind of feels like a dirty word. It can become the driving force behind the content which seems universally bad, and it is potentially a large single-point of failure in your business model. By Jeff Belmonte… Continue reading Diverse Monetization

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The Levels Challenge

Pieter Levels has been a very inspirational figure for me. I have been thinking a lot about his series of blog posts, “Building 12 Startups in 12 Months.” I really enjoyed reading these, and I really liked his definition of what a startup is. In this context, a minimum-viable-product which is publicly available for people to use online.… Continue reading The Levels Challenge

Walking the Knife’s Edge

There is a knife’s edge today which I feel myself balancing on. On one side, there are people like Peter Thiel who have amazing ideas about business growth and the future, alongside a casual disregard for altruism and social responsibility. On the other side are people who spend all their time and energy on helping… Continue reading Walking the Knife’s Edge

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