Category: Projects
Startup 12: Smart Mailer I built a tool very similar to this one as an experiment to see how much money I could bring in to a previous workplace by sending automated emails based on various criteria. The answer turned out to be millions and millions of dollars. This was a very exciting surprise which largely led to…
Startup 11: PHP TTS Webhooks
Smart Homes Are Pretty Great I have very much jumped on the bandwagon with smart home products. I have smart lights, a smart fan, a virtual assistant in every room; mine is a very smart house. I have also gotten very into IFTTT and related functional services which integrate with these smart devices to make…
OAuth Password Redirects
It’s frustrating and insecure to use htpasswords to secure a web server. Even if you use very long passwords, it would still technically be possible to bruteforce even with something like fail2ban given sufficient client IP addresses. Unfortunately for some applications like WordPress, PHPMyAdmin or many other legacy applications, there just isn’t a better alternative…
Startup 10: Astria
Astria represents an exciting new version completely from scratch of a web application framework I initially started over a decade ago. Astria manages database connections and allows rapid development of data-driven applications. It is very easy to create large and complex databases which Astria can serve as a simple JSON API, or as a complete managed…
The Levels Finish Line In Sight
As the finish line approaches, I have noticed issues with several of the older projects in the list. Maintaining them seems pointless unless I plan on actually using them, so I am removing some of the projects from production while I focus on completing the last items on the list. These will also have met…
Quit Your Mediocre Job And Get An MBA
Going to college is an investment, but many people assume that just any college is a good investment. I know a lot of people who have gotten liberal arts bachelor’s degrees and ended up stuck working in restaurants for years, unable to find a real job. This example is a waste of an education. All…
Years of Problems Solved
#!/bin/bash #deletes old backups find /var/www/backups/ -mindepth 1 -mmin +$((60*24)) -delete #creates new backups tar -czf “/var/www/backups/webs-$( date +’%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S’ ).gz” /var/www/webs /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p[mysql root password] –all-databases | gzip > “/var/www/backups/mysql-$( date +’%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S’ ).sql.gz” This is a script I wrote years ago that shall live in infamy. It creates an automatic backup of databases and…
Startup 9: What are you wearing today?
Like many people, I am a student. I attend over a dozen classes at two different colleges. I also attend regular social events and networking meetups. I often wonder as I am dressing, is this the same thing I wore last time I went to the place I’m heading now? It sounds silly, but it’s…
My Open Revenue Dashboard
Following as I often do, the example of Pieter Levels, I have decided to create an open and public page to show progress towards my revenue goals with several of my projects. This allows me to hold myself accountable and to show hard numbers related to the writing I’m doing. Dashboards are a valuable tool…
#EDC 2017: #SoftwareEngineer & #Student-@trayvax Wallet-@asus C302CA #Chromebook-@razer #Atheris Mouse-@lgusamobile #V20-@honda #Civic LX 2013-@gerbergear #Shard
#EDC 2017: #SoftwareEngineer & #Student -@trayvax Wallet -@asus C302CA #Chromebook -@razer #Atheris Mouse -@lgusamobile #V20 -@honda #Civic LX 2013 -@gerbergear #Shard