Great Podcast Episode: 200 years of Economic Theory in 20 Minutes with Analysis of the Present and Future

I listen to a lot of Podcasts every day. This was an especially good episode. Check it out! “On today’s show, we pack 240 years of trade history into 22 minutes. There’s a Scotsman who was captured by gypsies (possibly), a man who dreamed of world peace (truly), and Robert Smith in the streets with… Continue reading Great Podcast Episode: 200 years of Economic Theory in 20 Minutes with Analysis of the Present and Future

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Takeaways From My First Burn

What an amazing experience! I was obsessed for years with all things Burning Man before taking the plunge and finally heading to the playa. Despite that, the art, the music, the community, the struggle, and the rewards were nothing at all like I had imagined. Burning Man is not a fun getaway. It’s hard. You… Continue reading Takeaways From My First Burn

Categorized as Burning Man

Burning Man 2016 (360° Videos)

I went to burning man for the first time, this year! It was an intense and amazing experience. During the week, I took hours of 360 footage and edited it all down to just a few minutes. Check it out! Here’s a longer version of me riding all the way through The Sonic Speedway… And… Continue reading Burning Man 2016 (360° Videos)

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Great Podcast Episode: FBI International Lead Hostage Negotiator on Haggling and Making Good Deals

This was a great episode! I decided to share it and save it for posterity. I have a feeling I will look back on this many times. “[Chris Voss, former lead FBI international kidnapping negotiator, shares tactics and strategies he developed to better negotiate with kidnappers which also work in the civilian world. And many… Continue reading Great Podcast Episode: FBI International Lead Hostage Negotiator on Haggling and Making Good Deals


This Week Advance on HackerRank: I haven’t made time for this. I am not sure I still feel it is an important goal. I will move it down to a lower priority. Eat Less, Eat Better, Drink More Water: I feel I have made great progress here. Stay up on stock and financial news: this… Continue reading 2016-08-21

Categorized as Goals

Software Engineering Daily: You Are Not A Commodity

This special episode of Software Engineering Daily is when I fell in love with this podcast. It made me rethink my entire life and future, and demand aggressive goals and progress at work. Everyone should think this way, but especially software engineers.

Ready Player One

It took me a few tries to really dive into this book, but once I did, it was an instant favorite. As far as sci-fi goes, it’s fairly light. There is not a lot of technical detail; it’s more about the abstract side of an adventure undertaken by a group of very independent people in… Continue reading Ready Player One


This Week Advance on HackerRank I dont feel like I’ve made enough time for this. I moved it to the top of my bookmarks to remind myself to take more time for it. Eat Less I feel like I have had success with this. I am eating less and working out more and my bodyfat percentage has gone… Continue reading 2016-07-10

Categorized as Goals