Author: cjtrowbridge
Mutual Aid, Abolition, and Transformative Justice
CJ Trowbridge 2021-12-07 ETHS 100 Week 13 Notes Introductions Dean Spade Dean Spade’s book is about the importance of mutual aid for building social movements, and the specific models and approaches for avoiding the common pitfalls that mutual aid organizations run into. Dean has been involved in mutual aid for decades, but felt a strong…
Discursive Construction: AI-Generated Essays and Analysis
I am doing an experiment where I prompt an advanced AI to write essays, analyze memes and literature, or write arguments from the perspective of a particular historical figure. I am posting these attributed to the AI, “Discursive Construction.” And the bold text is the prompt, while the rest is what the AI comes up…
The Black Box That Reflects Its Maker
CJ Trowbridge PHIL 335 – Law and Society 2021-11-17 The Black Box That Reflects Its Maker “As we look behind the closed door of law’s room and into its fi ling cabinets, we fi nd secrets that unmask the public persona of the room’s occupant. It’s not simple or straightforward though. Along the way, we…
Planning a Cross-Country Chevy Bolt Trip
My Chevy Bolt has already had it’s battery replaced by GM to eliminate the very-remote risk of fire associated with the original batteries. And now it’s time to do a six-thousand mile road trip! I’m going to Orlando, Florida for a family vacation. I know it makes more sense to fly but I want to…
Most Interesting Structures From The Foundation TV Show
I am very interested in fabricating interesting structures. I have done posts in the past about shelters from The Expanse and written extensively on shelters I’ve seen around the country on my travels. So naturally, I want to collect the most interesting shelters and structures I see in the new Foundation series. I will update…
One project proposal I have been developing recently is a business which uses compost and other forms of waste reclamation to produce “meatshrooms” or those mushrooms which serve as meat substitutes. For example, hen of the woods, lobster of the woods, chicken of the woods, beefsteak mushrooms, etc.
Cyberpony Express
I recently spent several weeks off-grid at communist permaculture farms in Tennessee, dozens of which orbit around places like Short Mountain. I talked at some length with people there about the need for a completely off-grid instant messaging solution which does not rely on the internet or any traditional infrastructure. One of the ideas we…
On Indigenous Epistemology and Ethics
CJ Trowbridge 2021-10-18 AIS 440 Week 8 Literature Review: On Indigenous Epistemology and Ethics Choose 2 of the lectures from the first 7 weeks of class and write a minimum 2 page response by answering the following questions: 1. What was the main topic of the lectures? 2. What did you learn from the lectures?…
Resisting Pressure to Conform To Capitalist Hegemony
CJ Trowbridge AIS 440 Week 6: Two-Spirit People 2021-09-28 Prompt: Describe an action, idea, or ideology that continues to impose colonial heteropatriarchal principles onto Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and what steps you believe are necessary to rewrite this area of colonial and settler analysis. This response needs to be a minimum of…
AIS 440 Week 6: Two-Spirit People
Watch In the Life: The Murder of Fred Martinez Jr Two-Spirits Documentary Read A Boy Remembered Man who murdered LGBTQ teen in Cortez is released from prison Write Describe an action, idea, or ideology that continues to impose colonial heteropatriarchal principles onto Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and what steps you believe are…