Author: cjtrowbridge
Metric Limit Orders
Product: Metric limit orders: For example, buy when price is less than two-week average, or sell when price is more than two week average.
Communal Storage
At Burning Man, I camp with Comfort & Joy. One of the many benefits of this camp is that they will transport totes to the playa for you; you are only responsible for getting yourself there. The stipulation is that everyone has to use this same tote. There are many benefits to this strategy. These…
List of Self-Hosted SaaS Alternatives
Kickball/awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.
Structure Ideas From The Expanse
There were a few really cool ideas for shelters and infrastructure in the new season of The Expanse that I wanted to talk about. All are variants of popular, existing styles of shelters in common use at Burning Man and elsewhere. All of these images are from episode 2, 3 or 4 of season four…
Queer Film History: Compare and contrast Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble
Compare and contrast Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble Pink Flamingos is an excellent example of John Waters’ early work. It is historically Queer in all four ways. Many of the characters are queer. The lead for example describes herself as a lesbian who has, “done everything,” and wants to, “kill everyone, now.” The film’s author…
The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
I have waited a long time to read this book. I’ve also waited about a month since I finished reading it before writing this post. This book is a lot. It is considered the seminal work of the steampunk genre. In it, Gibson and Sterling present a world where Babbage found wide success with his…
Internship: Demographic meta-analysis of the Sierra College student body and disparately impacted success of its populations.
Executive Summary During the fall 2019 semester, I completed a sociology internship at Sierra College. At some point in the last year, I had asked several professors which populations are the most impacted at Sierra College (Which group has the lowest success). I was surprised to learn that no one knew the answer. Further research…
Data: Are Shiftpods Actually Cooler?
Key Findings; Shiftpods are not significantly better than cheap alternatives. No tent performs well in direct sun. No matter what kind of tent you have, putting it under a shade structure is the most important thing for keeping it cool inside during the day. Evaporative “swamp” coolers are not as helpful as simple ventilation. Thermal…
The Fight For $15
“The Fight For 15” is a flawed attempt to solve the problem of the decoupling of inflation from wages. Minimum wage is always stagnant, with occasional jumps, typically closer to a living wage. A living wage is a wage that is high enough for people to meet their basic needs and survive. This is not…
DIY High-Precision Multi-Zone Temperature Logger
I was in need of high-precision multi-zone temperature logging gear for a chemistry honors project, and I found nothing online that would work well for my purpose, so I decided to put my CSCI46 skills to use and build my own. The Hardware I started with a NodeMCU which is basically a fancier but somehow also cheaper…