Category: Blog
My Open Revenue Dashboard
Following as I often do, the example of Pieter Levels, I have decided to create an open and public page to show progress towards my revenue goals with several of my projects. This allows me to hold myself accountable and to show hard numbers related to the writing I’m doing. Dashboards are a valuable tool…
Expanse 7 – Persepolis Rising
Persepolis rising is the seventh book in The Expanse Series. It is probably the least eventful of the series, and the most predictable. As far as Sci-Fi books go; it’s a great book. Persepolis Rising was well written and excellently orchestrated. There are a lot of really interesting situations and arguments involving the philosophy of…
The Coming Dawn
When I left a previous job a few years ago, it was because I felt like there had been a dramatic decay in the quality of the people around me. Typically, that company has a very values-driven culture where people are strongly bought into the ideas and principles of service and commitment to quality. In…
Goals Update 2018-01-01
It’s a new year, whatever that really means. I want to start by reviewing my accomplishments from 2017: My 9-5 ended. It’s hard to think what to say about this. I’m sure I will expound at length in the future. I accomplished the incredible feat of not just doing double-full-time at school, but doing it…
New Year New World
When was the last time you saw a movie where the future didn’t suck? In fact, when was the last time you heard any kind of story or idea about a future which is better than today? This is a bad habit for civilization, and one for which I intend to be part of the…
Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov
This is the last book in The Foundation Series, chronologically. There are two more books by date of publication which are prequels to the series. This book made me sad. It felt gratuitous and contrived. I don’t think his heart was in it, though after reading this entire enormous series, the last paragraph of this…
Product Review: Xiaomi Mi ANC USB-C Earbuds
I’m really into minimizing the things I carry with me, and getting the most out of them. The Xiaomi Mi ANC Earbuds are a perfect match for both those goals. They are an amazing pair which I will keep in my everyday carry for the foreseeable future. These earbuds are replacing a previous pair I…
#EDC 2017: #SoftwareEngineer & #Student-@trayvax Wallet-@asus C302CA #Chromebook-@razer #Atheris Mouse-@lgusamobile #V20-@honda #Civic LX 2013-@gerbergear #Shard
#EDC 2017: #SoftwareEngineer & #Student -@trayvax Wallet -@asus C302CA #Chromebook -@razer #Atheris Mouse -@lgusamobile #V20 -@honda #Civic LX 2013 -@gerbergear #Shard
Essay: Synesthesia and Synthesis
CJ Trowbridge 2017-12-06 English 1B Synesthesia and Synthesis I once saw a post on Reddit where users voted on the best first line of a book. There were thousands of submissions, but one in particular stood far and above the rest. I was surprised to see that it was from my favorite book, “The sky…
Essay: Aspiring Patrician Seeks New World In Which To Build Industrial Clan
CJ Trowbridge 2017-11-28 History Essay Aspiring Patrician Seeks New World In Which To Build Industrial Clan If I was a poor, uneducated white 25 year old male from a farm family in England around 1730, I would choose to settle in the New England colonies over the Middle or Southern Colonies. Anecdotally, my…