Category: Featured
Social Problems: Policy Analysis
CJ Trowbridge Professor Jeffrey Sacha SOC 301: Social Problems 2018-12-11 Social Problems: Policy Analysis Midterm Imagine a child being forced to have sex up to twenty times a night by a trusted friend or significant other. This is a very typical situation for thousands of children being sex trafficked on a daily basis throughout California.…
Social Justice: Final Paper
CJ Trowbridge 2018-12-04 SOC 110: Social Justice Social Justice: Final Paper I have talked to many people who feel that their vote doesn’t count. In the words of Rules For Radicals author Saul Alinsky, these people are “copping out” and refusing to participate. A self-fulfilling prophecy of nihilism is their response to troubling social conditions.…
Topic Paper: Social Justice Pedagogy
CJ Trowbridge 2018-11-06 SOC 110: Social Justice Topic Paper: Social Justice Pedagogy The concept of liberation is interesting and counter-intuitive to me, based on the name. I expected to hear about the liberation of self, but interestingly, as the author puts it, if black people could liberate themselves from racism then they would have. It…
Social Problems: Critical Media Analysis
CJ Trowbridge Social Problems 2018-10-30 Social Problems: Critical Media Analysis Midterm Paper The group I studied was Stand Up Placer which is a nonprofit working on the issue of the human trafficking of children, and the victim-centered approach to this issue. Stand Up Placer worked hard to get Placer County and its municipalities to take…
LGBT1 – Midterm Exam
CJ Trowbridge LGBT1 2018-10-23 LGBT1 Midterm Exam 1. What is the problem of the gender binary? The sexual orientation binary? Explain how these binaries are both repressive and constructive. (What does it mean for power to be repressive and constructive too? Apply this to both gender identity and sexual orientation.) The gender binary is…
LGBT1: Sister Outsider Quiz
CJ Trowbridge LGBT1 2018-10-13 Sister Outsider Quiz 1. Audre Lorde critically approaches each of her three main intersections. She sees each of these movements as umbrellas which focus unfairly on privileged members to the exclusion of marginalized intersections, perpetuating those other forms of oppression. She approaches Lesbians as a Black Woman. She approaches the Women’s…
The War On Minorities
CJ Trowbridge SOC 3: Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality 2018-10-19 The War on Drugs MINORITIES In the mid nineteenth century, an enormous number of Chinese immigrants came to California to help build the railroads. White people didn’t want to do this work, and yet blamed Chinese workers for the lack of jobs. Bigotry, populism, and economic…
Topic Paper: Sexism, Trans Oppression, Heterosexism
CJ Trowbridge Social Justice 2018-10-09 Topic Paper: Sexism, Trans Oppression, Heterosexism Examples; Interpersonal Institutional Internalized Sexism Gender roles in relationships. Wage gap. Stereotype threat. Transphobia Deliberate or accidental misgendering. Student ID with dead name instead of chosen name. Acceptance of the binary or pathologization and related complications. Homophobia Prevents heterosexuals from forming close relationships with…
Topic Paper: Intersectionality
CJ Trowbridge SOC 110: Intro To Social Justice 2018-09-11 Topic Paper: Intersectionality The authors of reading #4 state “from our perspective, no one form of oppression is the base for all others, yet all are connected within a system that makes them possible.” (pg. 23) Referencing your readings and our class discussion/lecture, discuss the impact…
Topic Paper: Power Dynamics
CJ Trowbridge 2018-09-04 Soc 110: Intro to Social Justice Topic Paper: Power Dynamics Selection #3: Johnson’s “The Social Construction of Difference” Johnson quotes James Baldwin’s statement that “No one is white before he/she came to America. It took generations, and a vast amount of coercion, before this became a white country.” He uses this statement…