Category: Blog
A Conversation and a Pivot
While driving Uber, I recently gave a man a ride to his hotel from a business dinner. He told me he was an investment banker visiting from Chicago and asked if I had any investments. I told him about my strategy of trading Gold ETFs on volatility and asked for input on it. He said it…
This Week Advance on Khan Academy I am frustrated by a lack of time. This will change soon, but I have set up a forked strategy for the coming year. Either my work contract will be settled, and I will continue working at Tech 2U, go to Sierra and worry about this later, or I will…
❤️ Dale Carnegie – How To Win Friends and Influence People
2016-12-1 Started I first read this book in elementary school, but I wanted to refresh my memory as many of my coworkers have been recently reading it. 2017-04-23 Completed Well it took five months of picking up and setting down to finish this book. It is a bit dry, but there is a huge amount of…
Expanse 5 – Nemesis Games
This book sets the stage for its successor, Babylon’s Ashes. The two books could almost be one. The story focuses a lot more on Amos and Earth, and we see the return of Clarissa. Be ready to start on Babylon’s ashes when you finish this, because it picks up right at the end and finishes the…
My First Night with Lyft and Uber ($225.86)
Sacramento is a sprawling metropolis, like a spoked wheel with eight freeways reaching 40 miles out from the city core up to the mountains and out across the valley. This spoked wheel suggested a strategy; people are like a tide moving in towards the center, and later out from the center. I started my day…
Getting Ready for Lyft and Uber
The first gig apps I want to try out are the obvious ones; Lyft and Uber. I recently bought a three-year old Honda Civic. I did it partially with this in mind. This was the best equilibrium-point I could find between low long-term operating cost and low depreciation based on age while staying within budget.…
Advance on Khan Academy This has proven difficult to find time for, but I have blocked off the bulk of my free time this week to devote to making some real progress here. Time is getting short! Stay up on Medium I have really done a lot here. This has become my go-to instead of…
Software Engineering Daily Podcast: Indie Hackers
This episode is about Courtland Allen and his project which features interviews of succesful independent developers who have made profitable tech startups without raising money. In essence, this is a site about smart creative tech people with good side projects that are making them money and helping facilitate the digital nomad lifestyle. It also…
Expanse 4 – Cibola Burn
They used a different audiobook narrator for book four from the rest of the series, and I have to say Erik Davies is the absolute worst narrator I have ever heard read any book. He makes no attempt to understand the story or inflect words, emotions or sentence structure with any kind of accuracy, and…
Why Gigs?
I was 14 when I had my first gig. I was suddenly DJ-CJ and making well over $100/hour… every once in a while. Today, things are different. There are any number of apps which will pay you to do work for them whenever you feel like it. This offers enormous flexibility and freedom alongside job-security and the…