This Week
- Advance on Khan Academy
- I am frustrated by a lack of time. This will change soon, but I have set up a forked strategy for the coming year. Either my work contract will be settled, and I will continue working at Tech 2U, go to Sierra and worry about this later, or I will use my new days off to go to ARC where my assessments render this step un-necessary. Either way, I am removing this goal.
- Stay up on Medium
- I have done a great job of staying up on Medium every day, and contributing regularly. I will expand this goal to include contributing regularly.
- Advance on HackerRank
- I have not had time for this, but with my coming transition, I will hope to make more time to advance here.
- Read Hacker News
- I still read this almost every day. I will pin it to chrome to keep it fresh in my mind.
- Read Indie Hackers
- I have stayed up on this as well as SE Daily. I am feeling inspired and continuing to absorb.
- Earn $100 with Lyft
- I have far surpassed this goal. I think one or two nights a week is realistically more than enough to accomplish this.
- Earn $100 with Uber
- I have far surpassed this goal. I think one or two nights a week is realistically more than enough to accomplish this.
- Earn $200 with Upwork
- I have not yet completed this. I will make a calendar entry to try to get this done this week.
- Eat Less, Eat Better, Drink More Water
- I think I have more or less done well here. I certainly have room to grow, and I ordered more soylent to that end as well as doing better grocery shopping.
- Play Chess
- I have not played chess in weeks. I am setting a firm goal to play a game this wednesday.
- Learn a new skill
- This has fallen by the wayside. I will hopefully have time this week.
- Try a new hobby
- This has fallen by the wayside. I will hopefully have time this week.
- Yoga
- I have done some yoga, and I am scheduled to do more this wednesday night.
- Kayaking
- It has been cold. I have been looking at a new hard-bottom kayak that would make this easier.
- Watch a documentary
- I really want to watch Adam Curtis’ new one. I will create a calendar entry for this week.
- Blog post about each major area of focus. Enumerate learning and accomplishments, direction, and upcoming goals.
- Investment
- Book Reviews
- Machine Learning
- Development
This Month
- Earn enough with ridesharing to pay tuition
- Done, removing
- More Amateur Radio
- I have not made time for this, but I still would really like to.
- Volunteer
- Stand Up Placer
This Year
- Complete Undergrad
- Learn More Programming Languages
- C++
- C#
- Node
- Python
- Start a profitable new business
- Food Carts(?)
- Local NPO/NGO Fundraising(?)
- More Sailing
- Build a tiny home
- Maintain a buffer of six months of resources
- Use machine learning to solve a problem
- Use machine learning to make money
- Land Sailing
- Learn Achery
- Learn to shoot
- Learn to Fly
- Learn The Constellations
Business Goals
- Sell Food Again
- Grow Food
- Maximize independence
- Start DJing again
- Podcast
- Weekly gigs
- Start a monthly podcast about doing good
- Set up ancestry websites for people
- expand my aggregation tool to enable users to sign up and save their preferences, etc
- Build out Todo tool with features like past-due and editing existing entries
- Create an organization which throws events to raise funds for worthy causes