Author: cjtrowbridge
ECON 783 – Week 1 (Chapter 1-2)
Note: Anyone who is suffering under the delusion that neoclassical economics or marginal analysis is in any way a valid reflection of reality should watch this great interview explaining why everything we learn in classes like this is basically superstitious ideological nonsense. And yet, here we are. Class Notes Watch Discussion: Introduce yourself Two powerpoints…
DS 786 – Week 1
Watch Videos Welcome to Operations Analysis- the Syllabus basics (2:48) Exploring iLearn and the course structure (3:16) More about quizzes (3:05) Uploading work for partial credit on quizzes (2:35) How are grades determined? (4:36) What about Extra Credit? (4:01) VIEW: Intro to Operations Management slides WATCH: Intro to Operations Management, part 1 (7:54) WATCH: Intro…
Assume This Is Probably A Scam: Here’s How To Check
Every August, an army of scammers emerge to prey on those looking for Burning Man tickets. As a regional chair of Burners Without Borders who has navigated this process many times, I decided to write this short piece about how to identify scammers and how to avoid being ripped off. The most important thing to…
MGMT 788 – Week 1
Before synchronous session preparation Read Syllabus posted on ilearn Read Kotter, J. 2001. What leaders really do. Harvard Business Review. Purchase course pack (if you haven’t yet) here : Read instructions about Learning Circle Group Assignment Complete Course community glossary entry In Class Activity: Getting to know your colleagues Class Notes Manager: Organizes the…
Expanse 7.5 – Auberon
Auberon felt like a second-installation of the previous The Churn Novella which was also great. I think overall, this was my favorite of the novellas. It focuses on the early Laconian transition in Auberon and brings Eric in from The Churn. Really great story and it ties off several loose ends. I also really like…
Web App LAMP Server Setup 2022
Install LAMP Software sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install fail2ban apache2 mariadb-server php php-{cli,bcmath,bz2,curl,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip} sudo mysql_secure_installation Install Certbot For SSL To install SSL, use Certbot. Install Resilio-Sync Install Resilio Sync for Backup transportation and versioning; Add Scripts For Backups And Permissions Various scripts and files (That go in various places)…
What makes a healthy community?
I spent a year traveling to communities all over the country looking for the answer to this question. I think the answer has to depend on why the community exists; there are different types of communities based on different shared goals. These can each be healthy or unhealthy in different ways based on how those…
Which Political Party Is Best For Gas Prices?
The Claim Someone posted on Facebook that gas prices were much better under Trump and so we need to vote Democrats out and then gas prices will be better with Republicans. My Gut Response I was inspired to conduct the multivariate analysis below after my immediate response was basically, “Policy doesn’t ever impact commodity prices…
Building Post-Scarcity Societies
The earliest forms of AI were invented by Soviet Systems Theorists and Cyberneticists in order to address the problem of modeling complex chaotic systems. This was a vital missing piece at the core of Soviet Communism; the ideology was built around central planning of things like ecosystems and economies, and these forms of modeling did…
Exploring Soviet Science Fiction Films
One of the most fascinating classes I took for my degree in Queer Ethnic Studies was Race, Gender, and Science Fiction. In that class, we looked at the very different kinds of futurist perspectives present in authors from different backgrounds. For example, comparing and contrasting the futurisms of Indigenous Americans versus Black Americans versus Asian…