Author: cjtrowbridge
USP515 Session 1 Notes
Day One Homework Questions 1.1 What approaches do we want to use in this class to encourage and support as many students as possible to participate in class discussions? Use emojis or type comments in the chat box Raise hands on camera Or just speak calling on people doing a speaking stack in the chat…
Vision of the Future by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn 5)
This book is REALLY great. Having just finished the first Thrawn trilogy and now the Hand Duology, this book is the best, the pinnacle of the story so far. I really liked the focus on many interesting characters and the way the stories all tied together. [Spoilers] It seems safe to say at this…
Making Cowboy Cold Brew Iced Coffee
I really like to make cold brew iced coffee. I also like to go camping. I developed this method for making cowboy cold brew which works just as well at home or in the woods. Cowboy coffee refers to mixing the grounds in with the water and then pouring it out through a filter once…
Gamma Yayoi
Function generators and drum machines and things like that, going into a visualization engine AND also projecting into an infinity room which has some strings hanging or something to catch the projection. But with like fun game controls like throttles and joysticks instead of complete control of the software. So you’re not really in control…
2020 Burn Week Alternative Camping Trip
I decided to make this post because I have done a super lot of research for this project and I need to keep it all straight and share the results with a few people. I wanted to do a camping trip for burn week this year because the burn is canceled. I had considered going…
Buy PM2.5 Inserts Instead of N95 Masks
One hundred PM2.5 (N95 quality) filter inserts costs just twelve dollars. For a face mask to be rated N95 means it must filter particulate matter down to 2.5 microns (PM2.5). PM2.5 covers both viruses and smoke particles. The problem today is that medical professionals need the N95 masks and hoarding them will get people killed.…
Our History is the Future by Nick Estes
I wrote at length about each chapter of this excellent book. It is both a primer on the history of the struggle of native people and also a vision of the future. Estes shows many examples of what white settler colonialism is, how it has been successfully countered, and what a possible future might look…
“The Police Killings No One Is Talking About”
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Stephanie Woodward, “The Police Killings No One is Talking About” In 2014, police murdered a pregnant woman who was at a hospital for mental health issues by shooting her many times. (Woodward) These kinds of events are commonplace and there is no complete record of…
“For Our Nations to Live, Capitalism Must Die”
Glen Coulthard, “For Our Nations to Live, Capitalism Must Die” (2013) The author begins by describing the tactics being used to silence native critiques of settler colonialism. This argument is basically the illocutionary silencing argument; language is reconstructed by settler colonists in an attempt to take away the power of words to have action…
Nick Estes: Liberation
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 8 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 7. Liberation (pages 247-258) 11 pages The chapter begins by discussing the way the story of Custer has been twisted and misrepresented. In reality, native people were gathering together to celebrate the new…