Author: cjtrowbridge
Specter of the Past by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn 4)
[Spoilers obviously] Specter of the Past is part one of the hand of Thrawn Duology which itself is the sequel to the original Thrawn Trilogy and the prequel to the Second Thrawn Trilogy. It’s all about Thrawn even though he’s been dead a decade at this point. I was very excited to see a lot…
Film: Angry Inuk
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-22 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 7: Angry Inuk In Alethea Arnaquq-Baril’s documentary “Angry Inuk,” we learned about some of the challenges facing arctic indigenous communities. We see an indigenous family hunting and butchering a seal. For them, seal hunting is an important source of food and trade which they…
Razer Stealth 13 2020 Review
My old laptop lasted me four years to the day, according to a Facebook memory on the day this one arrived. I like to go for the highest quality in the most convenient package and then stretch it as long as I can. The Razer Stealth 13 2020 was the obvious choice for something new…
I put this battlestation or “yaddlestation” together for several reasons related to a number of projects but I had some questions about this setup so I wanted to do a sort-of roll-up post about all of it. Notice baby yoda watching from among the plans and inspiring the name. First there is the computer which…
Power and Politics in American Indian History: Trick or Treaty?
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-22 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 6: Trick or Treaty? While the corporate media focuses on perceived slights to its freedom, the number of missing and murdered indigenous women moves into the thousands. (NFB 0:00-2:00) Treaties were signed which made guarantees for indigenous people. The James Bay Treaty specifically guaranteed…
Nick Estes: Internationalism
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 7 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 6. Internationalism (pages 201-246) 45 pages A new coalition rose up from the ashes of centuries of centuries of genocide. Leaders from surviving tribes all over the western hemisphere came together in Geneva to hold…
“Native Lives Matter”
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Lakota People’s Law Project Report, “Native Lives Matter” Despite systemic violence against native people beginning on the first day of the occupation of “America” by the settler colonists who would birth the white imperial ethnostate, and despite a hundred million murdered native people and billions…
Nick Estes: Red Power
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-20 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 6: Red Power Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 5, Red Power The Red Power movement is the name for a broad range of native social justice and freedom movements. (Estes 149) One organization under this umbrella was the American…
Power and Politics in American Indian History: The Long Disaster of Amerika
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-16 Power and Politics in American Indian History Forum 5 This is a summary of season 1, episode 8 of the documentary series Rise. After the white imperial ethnostate of Amerika “purchased” the Missouri River Basin from France, explorers were sent in to map the territory and inform the countless people who had…
Building an Itenerary
Public health officials across the country are arguing that camping is the safest thing to be doing during covid. I built a moving cabin in order to do more camping and spend time away from other people. Since everything is work-from-home, including school, there is really no reason to be anywhere in particular. I decided not to waste…