Author: cjtrowbridge
USP 514 Session 10 Notes
October 19th and 21st Session Ten: Sustainable Urban Waste Management This session will focus on the approaches, policies, and practices that can promote sustainable waste management and resource recovery. We will be guided by the following questions. Waste is unwanted material intentionally thrown away for disposal. What are the basic characteristics of waste as it…
USP 515 Session 9 Notes
October 19th and 21st Session Nine: Research and Measurement Issues In this session we examine the role of research and research methods in helping us understand environmental justice issues and impacts. We will address the following questions: General Research Questions What is research? Looking for answers to questions The careful, thoughtful study of phenomena using information…
USP 515 Session 8 Notes
October 12th and 14th Session Eight: The Environmental Justice Movement In this session we will examine the origins and development of the EJ movement. Class Discussion We talked a lot about mushrooms Maria Sabina Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia Fantastic Fungi Professor talked about the Stoned Ape Hypothesis Mainstream environmental movement Passed more bills than any other social movement,…
USP 514 Session 9 Notes
October 12th and 14th Session Nine: Sustainable Urban Water Management This session will focus on the approaches, policies, and practices that can promote sustainable water management and use. Homework Write down all the ways in which you used water on the day you did this assignment. Remember to include all of the activities you engaged…
Fighting Covid as Systemic Violence
CJ Trowbridge 10-11-2020 USP 515 Environmental Justice Fighting Covid as Systemic Violence Groups of people are not equal. Groups share unequal burdens which can limit their opportunity and resources while also increasing their exposure to harm. I will explore the unequal air pollution burden imposed on some groups, and the knock-on effects which lead to…
Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn 0)
How to describe how this book fits into the story of Thrawn? So this was the first Thrawn book which was published. I became aware of it after I finished the first Thrawn trilogy. So I’m ironically reading it last, but probably it should come first. There is a special sadness knowing this is the…
Now that the Earth is turning into Tatooine, how practical is moisture farming?
I wanted to work out a simple proof of concept and cost analysis for how to actually extract a meaningful amount of moisture from the air. This estimate includes the best prices I could find for each component of a reliable system which will continue to work for a period of ten years without maintenance…
Data: Air Quality and Cooking
I was curious what cooking does to air quality and nuclear radiation. We know that cooking meats releases naturally occurring radioactive materials just like wildfires do. For the curious, I was cooking bulgogi. As you can see, at 1:30 when I started cooking, there was a huge spike in the indoor air pollution in my…
It *HAS* to be you.
Sorry this will be long and I’m asking something unreasonable of you. First, there was a dude named Alinsky who wrote a book called “Rules for Radicals.” I’m happy to share a copy of the audiobook. It was a simple set of rules for how to build communities. It spawned the field we now…
USP 514 Session 8 Notes
October 7th Session Eight – Urban Infrastructure NOTE: REQUIRED READING FROM TEXTBOOK EVERY WEEK BEGINNING THIS SESSION This session will focus on the concept and functions of urban infrastructure, and on how infrastructures are designed and managed to deliver water, waste, energy, transportation, building, food, and social services to urban populations. The following questions will guide…