Category: Projects
Formulating A Strategy For Speculative Investment
For several months now, I have been learning as much as possible about investment as a precursor to getting into trading; before doing any actual trading, I decided to formulate clear goals and strategies. I posted before about the broad strategy I have decided on; splitting all the money I invest evenly between the two apps Robinhood…
Getting Started: Learning About Investing
Testing The Waters I have decided to get into investment. Most of my knowledge of investment has been fairly anecdotal, so I decided to immerse myself for the last few weeks before making any decisions about my goals or investment strategies. My first step was to build a list of news sources to draw on.…
Stock Picks: Tesla Model 3 Unveil
Tesla is announcing their Model 3 today. I believe the stock will see a dramatic bump because this car is going to change the world. It is affordable, excellent and a real alternative to gasoline cars. Elon Musk believes in what he is doing, and he will not stop until it is done. This is…
Renewing Free LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates
A few days ago, I received an email from LetsEncrypt letting me know that it was time to renew my free SSL certificates. I tried re-running the tool in order to renew the certificates which seemed to work, but then I received this email; <> Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 10:15 PM To: Hello,…
Updated Comprehensive VPS Setup Documentation
Building a VPS requires lots of complex steps, and these steps change over time. The time has come to create comprehensive, consolidated documentation for how I setup these machines. Many of these steps are optional. Deploy A New VPS With Digital Ocean FQDN DNS Setup With Godaddy Recommended Initial Installations Setup Email Server Create a VirtualHost Setup…
VPS Setup: Automated Database Backups
This is a subpost of the larger post Updated Comprehensive VPS Setup Documentation. Create a new directory for the backups; mkdir /var/backups/mysql I added the following line to /etc/crontab in order to facilitate automatic database backups; 0 22 * * * root /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -i[MySQL Root Password] [MySQL Database Name] | gzip > /var/backups/mysql/mysql-backup-$(…
VPS Setup: Install Free SSL From LetsEncrypt
This is a subpost of the larger post Updated Comprehensive VPS Setup Documentation. LetsEncypt allows us to setup free SSL certificates for our virtualhosts. First, make sure you are in your root home directory “/~” and then clone the LetsEncrypt git repository; git clone Enter the directory cd letsencrypt And run the automatic…
VPS Setup: Create A Virtual Host
This is a subpost of the larger post Updated Comprehensive VPS Setup Documentation. Once you have your FQDN forwarded to the VPS, create a directory for it with; mkdir /var/www/[fqdn]/ Now we make a new virtualhost conf file with this command. Again, substitute your fqdn; cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/[fqdn].conf Then edit the file with nano…