Category: Blog
Snow Crash Excerpt
“No surprises” is the motto of the franchise ghetto, its Good Housekeeping seal, subliminally blazoned on every sign and logo that make up the curves and grids of light that outline the Basin. The people of America, who live in the world’s most surprising and terrible country, take comfort in that motto. Follow the loglo…
Futurism: Getting Off The Ground
Elon Musk recently said that in his view, all forms of transportation will eventually become electric, except for orbital flight which will always be done with rockets. This immediately struck me as incorrect. The more I think about it, the more wrong he seems about rockets. NASA is currently developing the SLS or Space Launch…
Blog: Nexus 6 And Moto 360
I bought a Nexus 6 and Moto 360. These two devices together make me more connected than I’ve ever been. I love the instantaneous access to people and information. There are a few problems, and a million wishes-come-true. The battery life on the Nexus 6 is over 25 hours with constant, heavy use. I listen…
Blog: Pioneer Courthouse Square
I’m sitting in an unusual cafe. Instead of walls, there are windows floor-to-ceiling all the way around the building. Situated at the corner of the square in downtown Portland, I have an excellent view of the massive christmas tree in front of me, towering over crowds of people rushing between trains and busses. I’ve worked…
“Between the trees, on gentle and too cleverly irregular slopes of sweet green grass, the bright umbrellas shaded the hotel’s guests from the unfaltering radiance of the [artifical] sun. A burst of French from a nearby table caught his attention: the golden children he’d seen gliding above river mist the evening before. Now he saw…
Snow Crash Excerpt
“The Alaska Highway — is the world’s longest franchise ghetto, a one-dimensional city two thousand miles long and a hundred feet wide, and growing at the rate of a hundred miles a year, or as quickly as people can drive up to the edge of the wilderness and park their bagos in the next available…
We’re all supposed to look like some sort of ornate sculptures full of prose and secret wisdom. The difference is what we’re made of. They tell ladies to be made of glass; as delicate as they are enigmatic like a china doll. Men, they say, should be made of steel; as strong as they are…
Choosing Nexus 5 over Galaxy S5
Today I decided to get a Nexus 5 instead of the new Samsung GS5. The biggest reasons; bloatware, value and wireless charging. The Galaxy S5 comes with a marginally faster processor than the Nexus 5. This tiny difference is offset by the vast amount of crapware installed on the Galaxy S5, inevitably slowing its performance…
Current Goals
Current Goal Set; Startups I’m Working On The Foundry: To invest in nascent entrepreneurs and develop their experience and skills through execution of scalable micro-business models which improve the market for customers by offering superior products, convenience, and value. Scalar Foods: Scalar small-scall food production. Trowbridge Manufacturing: Make minimal, affordable things people actually need and sell them. Smaller…
I’ve just finished reading Divergent which is currently ranked #1 on the New York Times’ best seller list for “Children’s Fiction.” I saw the movie and couldn’t decide if I loved it or hated it, so I decided to give the book a go. At 487 pages, Divergent flew by. And that’s no excuse for…