Category: Blog
The Core Strength of Community-Centered Activism Built on Radical Queer Anarcho-Communism
One of the huge advantages of anarcho-communist radical queer organizations comes as a deliberate result of the way they were constructed. Early gay leaders like Harry Hay started nonprofits like Mattachine Society in order to advocate for gay rights from within the structures of the political establishment. At the time, COINTELPRO was an FBI…
For All X: Chapter 1 Reading Response
Readings Chapter 1 of For All X What Is Philosophy? Why Should We Trust Reason? Response 1. What is Philosophy? What is the role of Logic in Philosophy? Philosophy is the love of wisdom. According to the book, “Logic is the business of evaluating arguments, sorting good ones from bad ones. ” I see logic…
Ham Grinder
Something like grindr except for amateur radio frequencies nearby your location, and make it work offline, potentially interfacing with SDR tools.
USP514 Session 3 Notes
Session Three Urban Design Principles In this session students will work in small groups to discuss the Urban Design Principles outlined in the required reading below; please read carefully and make notes as you read. REQUIRED READING FOR SESSION THREE (click on Session 3 on left side to access reading) Ten Urban Design Principles Every Humanitarian…
USP493 Session 2 Notes
Introduction to Simple Univariate Descriptive Statistics Frequencies and Percentage Distributions Can be used for nominal and ordinal variables, interval usually when the data are collapsed. Difference between proportions (f/N) and percentages (f/N)* 100 How to set up Put the values of the variable along the side, including totals, list frequencies or percentages in a second…
Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn (Thrawn 7)
This book reminded me a lot of the Tarkin book. Thrawn and Vader go on an adventure. It’s very interesting to see the way Palpatine is trying to get them working closer together, and the way Thrawn accomplishes the same discovery Tarkin made about Vader’s origins. This story is an A/B story. We jump back…
Self-Sufficient Off-Grid Squaredrop Trailer
Pros and Cons of RVs I am planning to do a lot of traveling in the next year. Initially I had planned to buy an RV but there are several problems with this plan. I would need to get rid of my car as it is not towable. This means if I want to go…
USP515 Session 2 Notes
August 31st and September 2nd Session Two: Central Concepts Bring in written definitions of the following concepts and be prepared to discuss them: class, race, ethnicity, poverty, nature, environment, urban, right, prejudice, discrimination, racism, institutionalized racism, toxics, public health, protection from harm. class: the hierarchical classification of people based on wealth the economic system of control within a…
USP514 Session 2 Notes
Session Two Challenges in Cities Around the World This session will focus on identifying contemporary urban planning and policy issues of concern to students in the course.. Identify contemporary urban planning and policy challenges and opportunities. The following question will guide our discussion: What principles can be used to provide direction for urban administrators as…
Making Care Packages Under Covid
Many times now, I have founded groups or worked with groups which produce care packages for unhoused people. These usually include a few essentials in a plastic bag which can quickly and easily be handed to unhoused people. As part of co-founding the first bay area chapter of Burners Without Borders, one of the initial…