Author: cjtrowbridge
an anonymous social blogging service for topics that we want to discuss but where we do not want what we write to link back to our real identities. a la moot ted talk
Microcafe + Microhotel
Come up with mvp for combined capsule hotel and cafe. As small as possible while profitable. Excellent WiFi Several price options Name brainstorming Microtel Tapcaf Nanotel Picotel Quantum Cafe & Hotel Something about roads in Latin
Multilingual Online Bookstore
Make a website that let’s you easily buy your favorite books in other languages for practice and learning
My Queer Enamel Pin Collection
My favorite queer enamel pin so far is probably this one. It reflects my childhood in several ways. I was born at one of the greatest centers at the intersection of the New Age and Shakespeare, as a queer growing up in a far-right family and subculture there. The idea of Prospero as The Magician…
The State of the Housing Crisis
The lack of affordable housing is a pervasive, escalating, global crisis driven in part by NIMBYism, speculative investments, and a lack of development. This is a social problem because the troubling social condition has been clearly outlined, and clear solutions exist for each underlying problem. NIMBYs use land use restrictions such as single-family zoning, height…
Sexism: An Ameliorative Approach
Sexism: An Ameliorative Approach In this essay, I will argue that Kate Manne’s account of misogyny as the enforcement mechanism for systemic sexism is persuasive as a novel deontological framework for ameliorating the impact of sexism by changing the way we talk about it. To defend this claim, I will show that her argument overcomes…
Queer Studies: Gender Is The Problem
It’s easy to see conflict between people of certain genders as a problem, but what if I told you that gender itself is the root problem and that conflict between gender groups is actually a design feature? Gender says it is a set of discrete categories based on nature which imparts a series of roles…
Manifesta: Gender panopticism must be dismantled.
Manifesta Take a trip to the store to buy just about any product and you may notice a surprising fact; the products are gendered. Products from pens to diapers and of course clothes are designed to enforce the gender binary while also doing its oppressive work. (Bond) The gender binary is a lie perpetrated by…
Down Girl by Kate Manne
As a sociologist, this was an interesting read. This book explores the issue of systemic sexism from a philosophical perspective rather than a sociological perspective. It also articulates a normative ethical framework for considering the issue, and the implications for what duty we have in response. This is exactly the topic I most wanted to…
Environmental Problems and Solutions: A cautious optimism that some manner of future may still exist for humanity.
Environmental problems can trigger an existential crisis in individuals both because of the scope of the problems and the scope of the duty this realization imparts on us. There are a lot of environmental problems from pollution to mass extinctions to sea level rise and so on. When people learn about the scope of the…