Author: cjtrowbridge
USP 514 Session 5 Notes
Session 5: Equitable Sustainable Development Apparently we are skipping this? NO REQUIRED READING FOR SESSION FIVE/SIX HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Watch the video: The Costs of Inequality: Joseph Stiglitz, TEXxColumbiaSIPA (16 minutes) Answer the following questions in writing and be prepared to discuss them in class. What are Stiglitz’s main points about inequality in the USA? The economic story…
“Intelligence” Is A Racist Lie
IQ tests, SAT tests, GMAT tests, etc are racist. “Preferences” for people who score high on these tests are preferences for people who are a part of white culture. Let’s look at some examples of statistical racism to illustrate exactly why this idea that “intelligence is a real thing” is so problematic. Statistical racism is…
Reading Reaction: Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™
Note: I deeply enjoyed reading “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™” and in particular I enjoyed this version read by Levar Burton who also provides some analysis of his own. Our protagonist is a storyteller who creates elaborate virtual experiences to share “an authentic Indian experience” to tourists. This story follows a nascent relationship he…
Data: $30 DIY Air Filters Are Excellent
I recently did a post about an experimental filter design which should provide excellent protection for just $30, probably exceeding the effectiveness of even the most expensive filters on the market. Well the data is in, and I was right. A Very Smokey Week Due to the most extreme wildfire conditions in history, California was…
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (Thrawn 9)
First of all, having now finished the ninth book in this series, I can’t tell whether Zahn loves communism or hates it. On the surface, I am offended by Zahn’s unfiltered contempt for syndicalism and admiration for imperialism. But is that really the point? I find myself agreeing with his every critique of ancom as…
USP493 Session 4 Notes
Lecture Measures of Variability Index of Qualitative Variability – used for nominal data The range – used for interval data – simply the largest value minus the lowest value The interquartile range, the difference between the cutpoint where 25 percent of the cases have a larger values, and the cutpoint where 25 percent of the…
USP515 Session 4 Notes
September 14th and 16th Session Four: Environmental Justice This session will focus on the concept and root causes of environmental injustice. We will be guided by the following questions: How would you define the concept of “environmental injustice”? Disparate impact Social movement in relation to environmental movement with social justice component Poorer nations bear the burden of…
USP514 Session 4 Notes
September 14th and 16th Session Four: Sustainable Development in Historical Context This session will focus on the origins of the concept of sustainable development and how it is connected to the concept of development. Our discussion will be guided by the following questions: What is meant by the term “development”? To improve the accessibility or availability of…
Symbolic Logic Operators
This is just like computer science! Operators (~) Negation operator (&) (And) Conjunct operator (v) Disjunct operator (->) (if then) Conditional operator (<->) (if and only if) Biconditional operator
N95 Is Not Good Enough
I have severe asthma. I have tried hiking in an N95 mask and I have asthma attacks the whole time. My home environment is kept extremely clean by my custom high-power low-cost air filtration system; my indoor PM values usually stay at zero. The only other variable is N95. So what is N95? The certification…