Author: cjtrowbridge
Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell was forged with the words “Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof.” It was meant to be hung in the Pennsylvania state house (now called Independence Hall). But it cracked when it was first rung. They tried reforging it twice, but every time it was rung, it would crack. Maybe…
Washington DC
This city is not just full of monuments, it is a monument. There is so much history everywhere. From the capitol building that Canada burned down after we tried invading and annexing them, to the Lincoln Memorial which for some reason was full of Nazis when I visited. It’s a wild and complex place full…
A GPT-3 site that will write essays for you.
Just submit your bibliography and thesis and it will do the rest.
Is service oriented architecture that takes input in the form of natural language requests and create threads sort of like pendings and then tries to solve the requests Their class can also be programmatically entered. For example download the latest episode of some TV show. And then it has to go find it and download…
New River National Park
New River is actually an ancient river! It’s all fours and fives but I’ve heard people enjoy rafting it. The water was extremely high today when I was there, and all the roadside stops were taped off with signs warning of “Extreme Danger.” Still the visitor center and viewing area were open and it…
Predictive Arbitrage
Use automated analysis of pending blocks and cryptocurrency to front-run arbitrage across exchanges
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Park
This was a cool place. It happened to be right on my way. I decided at some point to expand my trip to include historic sites related to the civil and revolutionary wars. So the birthplace of the man who beat the traitors seemed like a perfect spot to stop and see. They even had…
Kentucky: Hot Brown (Sandwich)
The Hot Brown is a very special sandwich. All the guides agreed it was the best single dish to get in Kentucky. It even has its own wikipedia page… A Hot Brown sandwich (sometimes known as a Louisville Hot Brown or Kentucky Hot Brown) is an American hot sandwich originally created at the Brown Hotel in…
Mammoth Cave National Park
This was a weird place. They say it’s normally better because of covid. Basically the cave that’s currently open is just a long boring hallway and then when you get to the end you turn around and come back. As you can see, there are no stalactites, no stalagmites, no lilly pads, nothing to see…
Visiting The Garden AKA Treeisalive
I decided to visit the now infamous “Treeisalive” commune and see what The Garden was like for myself. I met a lot of amazing people and learned a lot. It all started a few weeks ago. I have a close internet friend of about fifteen years who until recently I had never met. A few…