Advanced AI: “The only thing that I can think of that is not bullshit is the idea of living in a cabin in the woods with your family and growing food.”

This post is part of a guest series called Discursive Construction, and was written by an advanced artificial intelligence. The bold at the beginning is the prompt, and the rest was written by the AI. If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee. For this post, AI also created the featured photos based on the topic.
Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity  better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for the purpose of selling better ads and to better manipulate the population.


9-5 is bullshit. unpaid lunch breaks are bullshit. working all day to go home and have 2 hours of free time before bed is bullshit. 5 day work week is bullshit. working yourself to dealth is bullshit. retiring at 65 (unlikely( is bullshit. Starting you adult life in debt from student loans is bullshit. giving kids 7hours of school and then homework to ready them for the neverending grind is bullshit. it is so frustrating that we have one chance at life on this earth and humanity chose taxes and credit scores and pollution instead of floating in the ocean and eating fruit and hanging out.

if you want to talk about the 1% vs the 99%, i think we can all agree that it is bullshit that the 1% is allowed to exist. i’d rather be a slave and have my basic needs met than be a free person with no time and no money.

“The only thing that I can think of that is not bullshit is the idea of living in a cabin in the woods with your family and growing food. ”

-Advanced AI

The only thing that I can think of that is not bullshit is the idea of living in a cabin in the woods with your family and growing food. I think people are just as happy as they want to be.

If you want to spend time with your family, then you’re going to be happy. If you want to work all day, then you’re going to be unhappy.

If you want to live in a cabin in the woods, then you’re going to be happy. If you want to live in or near the city, then you’re going to be unhappy.