Category: Blog
Session 2
Session Two: Principles, Values, and the Future of Cities February 3rd Review What makes a good city Thomas Affordable housing Diverse forms of travel Actively democratic Environmental accountability Mariegail Equitable distribution of services and goods like healthcare and housing Sustainability Walkability Everyone’s basic needs are met Tammy Accessible library system Accessible public transit Affordable housing…
Best Food In New Mexico: Puerca Adovada
We stopped in Albuquerque for several reasons. First because It’s an extremely long way from The Painted Desert to Taos. Second because we needed to shower and do laundry. Third because they have the best rated place for the famous Puerca Adovada which everyone online seems to agree is the best food in New Mexico.…
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
(You can view the full album here) I really don’t understand why this is a national park. It’s just some normal mountains with hiking. It’s kind of weird to have mountains in this area so maybe that’s why. There are a lot of caves. Carlsbad Cavern is technically inside the Guadalupe Mountains and there are…
Petrified Forest National Park
(View the full album here) The painted desert is really amazing. It stretches on as far as you can see. Most of the photos I’ve seen of it in the past were EXTREMELY stylized, but it really is very beautiful to see all the bright colors exposed by eons of erosion. This is the Painted…
Meteor Crater Natural Landmark
(View the full album here) This is a really cool place. I first learned about this in my early astronomy classes. Naturally I had to stop by since it was on the way to the next destination. Video Player 00:00 00:48 It’s basically just a big meteor crater that you can tour and explore. Then…
Grand Canyon National Park
(View the full photo album) We set up camp at Long Jim Loop which is a huge, free, two-week BLM camping area in Tusayan just a few minutes from the park. We only had an hour or two until dark so we decided to finally play with the new Oculus Quest 2. This is a really…
Best Food In Arizona: Sonora Hot Dogs
Nogales Hot Dogs! Every guide I could find agreed that the best thing to eat in Arizona is the Sonora Hot Dogs at Nogales Hot Dogs No 2 in Phoenix. This might be the sketchiest place I have ever eaten. There is this tent under a billboard in a rough part of town and they…
Saguaro National Park
(View the full photo album here) I started by picking up an annual pass and a passport to all the parks. This will get a lot of use this year. The cool thing about Saguaro National Park is really just the Saguaro cacti. These are basically everywhere in Arizona but they are very dense here.…
Next we stopped at Cosanti in Phoenix on the way to Saguaro National Park. This is where Soleri lived and worked while he was building Arcosanti. They still do a lot of similar bronze and ceramics work at Cosanti today just like Arcosanti. Here is the ceramics working apse at Cosanti. The tunnel at the…
Session 2
Review Article Objections raised by author Computers are merely “serial” but brains are “parallel.” Computers are “digital,” but brains are “analog.” Computers cannot generate emotions, but brains do not generate emotions. Definitions Parallel vs serial Digital vs analog Cognitive science perceived gap in research areas: no science of cognition no systematic exploration of central questions…