Author: cjtrowbridge
Startup 10: Astria
Astria represents an exciting new version completely from scratch of a web application framework I initially started over a decade ago. Astria manages database connections and allows rapid development of data-driven applications. It is very easy to create large and complex databases which Astria can serve as a simple JSON API, or as a complete managed…
The Levels Finish Line In Sight
As the finish line approaches, I have noticed issues with several of the older projects in the list. Maintaining them seems pointless unless I plan on actually using them, so I am removing some of the projects from production while I focus on completing the last items on the list. These will also have met…
When you’re just trying to take a cute selfie and suddenly there’s a tongue in your ear that you didn’t ask for 😕 #🐕
When you’re just trying to take a cute selfie and suddenly there’s a tongue in your ear that you didn’t ask for 😕 #🐕
Ok I’m back on the bandwagon #pixel #google #pixel2
Ok I’m back on the bandwagon #pixel #google #pixel2
Not gonna lie this meme sent me on a Lana binge and I rediscovered my love for her terrible music.
Not gonna lie this meme sent me on a Lana binge and I rediscovered my love for her terrible music.
My first pair of prescription sunglasses! I could get used to this 😎
My first pair of prescription sunglasses! I could get used to this 😎