Author: cjtrowbridge
Stealth Trailer Goals and Concepts
I would love to build something like this for Burning Man and other adventures. Here are some of my initial ideas… Innovative Power Grid There is no reason to have inverters running 24/7. There is no reason to duplicate the wasteful norms of on-grid houses. Two or three full-sized solar panels on the roof and…
The president’s unusually heavy police presence at Burning Man this year included a contingent from Space Force. #balancethebudget #wastefulspending
The president’s unusually heavy police presence at Burning Man this year included a contingent from Space Force. #balancethebudget #wastefulspending
Azula is very happy that I’m back from Burning Man.
Azula is very happy that I’m back from Burning Man.
Topic Paper: Power Dynamics
CJ Trowbridge 2018-09-04 Soc 110: Intro to Social Justice Topic Paper: Power Dynamics Selection #3: Johnson’s “The Social Construction of Difference” Johnson quotes James Baldwin’s statement that “No one is white before he/she came to America. It took generations, and a vast amount of coercion, before this became a white country.” He uses this statement…
Micro Grids and Burning Man
Elon Musk famously came up with the idea for Solar City while at burning man, observing the ubiquitous microgrids which power the temporary city. Every home should work this way, he reasoned. At Burning Man, each city block has many microgrids. They range from very small to very large, and they take many forms. There…
It was a great week for chones and for brassicas. #nofilter #lg360cam #burningman #photo #photography #comfortandjoy
It was a great week for chones and for brassicas. #nofilter #lg360cam #burningman #photo #photography #comfortandjoy
I don’t think I’ve ever cried or vomited so much. A hundred thousand people stood in silence and watched as everything they wanted to let go of went up in flames inside the temple. After many minutes of silence, all the tens of thousands of people howled together. The sounds of wolves chased through the throng as a vast and wordless chorus echoing the timeless tragedy of the human experience. This is what it’s about. This is why we’re here. We let go together and we take our many lessons back to the mundane, default reality.
I don’t think I’ve ever cried or vomited so much. A hundred thousand people stood in silence and watched as everything they wanted to let go of went up in flames inside the temple. After many minutes of silence, all the tens of thousands of people howled together. The sounds of wolves chased through the…
Your days are numbered, Temple. Tonight is the night!
Your days are numbered, Temple. Tonight is the night!