Author: cjtrowbridge
Discussion of Conscious with Sam Harris and Annaka Harris
In this episode of his podcast, Sam Harris interviews his wife Annaka about her new book, Conscious. This book explores the current state of the art of our knowledge about the nature and purpose of consciousness. In this interview, they go over three main “interesting” questions she poses in the book, and the answers she…
Lying by Sam Harris
Lying by Sam Harris makes the argument for radical honesty. This is an interested book which is very different from his previous books, but connects to them on the theme of reasonable and rational discussion of their topics. Religion, he seems to imply, can only exist in a world where people are comfortable lying to…
Berthing Together
Write a short story about people berthing together on a voyage. At the end reveal the ship is an RV or minivan
Letter To A Christian Nation by Sam Harris
Letter To A Christian Nation is a very direct critique of Christianity from the perspective of rational Americans. He attacks head on the basis of Christianity and its many arguments, as well as the argument that it is a good thing for anyone. There are many very excellent arguments in this book which I am…
The End of Faith by Sam Harris
The End of Faith was Sam Harris’ first book. He published it while he was still a graduate student. This book is an excellent indictment of Christianity in America and the many externalities it perpetrates on the world. I think if I had read this book twenty years ago, it would have had a dramatic…
Learn To DJ: (4) Getting Gigs
2019-07-26 6:30-7:30 Are you DJ-Curious? Comfort & Joy is hosting free DJ workshops for anyone interested in learning this magical art. The workshops will be led by seasoned disc jockeys from very different parts of the DJ industry. You will learn how to set up sound and lighting gear, how to mix music, and how…
Understanding Humans In The Wild with Sam Harris
There are two huge takeaways for me from this podcast interview. The first is Slot Rattling. The guest is Adam Grant, a organizational psychologist and professor from Wharton. He talks about Slot Rattling as a psychological phenomena which explains a person’s behavior when they identify themselves at a certain undesirable point on a spectrum of…
Learn To DJ: (3) Lighting and DMX
2019-08-10 5:30-8:30 Presentation Link Facebook Event Are you DJ-Curious? Comfort & Joy is hosting free DJ workshops for anyone interested in learning this magical art. The workshops will be led by seasoned disc jockeys from very different parts of the DJ industry. You will learn how to set up sound and lighting gear, how to…