Author: cjtrowbridge
Set Up A Raspberry Pi Home Web Development Server
Initial Setup First download the latest full version of raspbian. Next, use win32diskimager to write it to your sd card. [Optional] Headless Setup This step means we will be able to just turn on the pi and SSH into it, without hooking up a screen, keyboard, and mouse. Then create a blank file called “ssh”…
Why does a latte cost so much? Where does all that money go?
CJ Trowbridge Urban Studies 401G 2020-04-24 Social Justice Essay: Final Draft Why does a latte cost so much? Where does all that money go? Capitalism is the enemy of markets, where vampires suck the wealth out of the supply chain in order to get fat on the work of others. Kyriarchy is the enemy of…
Web Application Server Setup 2020
After apportioning the server, and creating a DNS entry with your registrar for the FQDN, connect via SSH. Now update the server apt-get update && apt-get upgrade First let’s install fail2ban to prevent repeated login attempts apt-get install fail2ban Install Apache 2, PHP 7.4, and SSL Next install Apache apt-get install apache2 Get ready to…
Demographic Signage
Read more about advertising companies using screens with integrated demographics vision-analysis and putting them in bathrooms or bus stops. This is kind of scary but maybe potentially a way to bring people together?
an anonymous social blogging service for topics that we want to discuss but where we do not want what we write to link back to our real identities. a la moot ted talk