Author: cjtrowbridge
Power and Politics in American Indian History: Colonial Dispositions of Land, Race, and Hunger
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-13 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 5b Alyosha Goldstein, “The Ground Not Given: Colonial Dispositions of Land, Race, and Hunger” (2018, 83-106) The united states is a system of white colonial agriculture built on the exploitation, displacement, and extermination of nonwhite groups for the benefit of white colonists. (Goldstein…
Nick Estes: Flood
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-13 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 5 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 4, Flood After wounded knee, the white imperial ethnostate shifted it’s extermination and displacement strategy from an overtly violent one to a covertly violent one. Legal action and treaty violations took the place of…
Kanehsatake: 270 Years Of Resistance
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-09 Power and Politics in American Indian History Kanehsatake: 270 Years Of Resistance In the documentary “Kanehsatake: 270 Years Of Resistance”, we learned that over a long period, the municipality of Oka stole swathes of land from the Mohawk tribe for a golf course, including a grave yard. Peaceful protests were met with…
Moon Catcher
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-09 Astronomy 2 What planet would you colonize first? Why and how? Mars is the obvious choice but there are a few problems we would need to solve first. It needs a magnetic field, and some oceans. Having read science fiction for decades and considered this question at some length, I keep returning…
Power and Politics in American Indian History: War
CJ Trowbridge 2020-06-22 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response 4 Nick Estes, Our History is the Future (2019), Chapter 3, War The history of the United States has always followed the same process; steal land from other people so the empire can expand, then replace those people with white colonial settlers and…
The Slow-Motion Mass Suicide Of American Neo-Conservatism
I’m sure you’ve heard the claim, “You’ll get more conservative as you get older.” Throughout the middle of the twentieth century, the reality was that our society was designed to kill anyone who wasn’t a conservative. In the last six months, this trend has reversed in a big way. War and racism were the two…
Power and Politics in American Indian History: Sacred Water, Standing Rock I
CJ Trowbridge 2020-07-02 Power and Politics in American Indian History Response: Sacred Water, Standing Rock I It was very compelling to hear the story of the black snake and the end of the world; the argument that the people need to stand up to the black snake or the world will end. I can see…
Black Online – Cyberspace, Culture, and Community: Final Project
The final project for this class was to create a tool people can use for building communities of racial justice online. Here is the outline, and the PDF of the final project. How to create structural change in organizations and institutions plagued by systemic racism and anti-blackness. (especially online institutions) We live in a culture…
Drugs and Society: Harm Reduction
CJ Trowbridge 2020-06-30 Drugs and Society Section 10 Reading Response: Harm Reduction Swapping Politics for Science When the drug czar calls for an end to the war on drugs, it’s clearly the start of a new era. Obama lifted the federal ban on needle exchanges in 2010 all of the top brass in the Obama…
“The daily hustle for heroin often forces users into other illegal activity”
CJ Trowbridge Drugs and Society 2020-06-30 Reading Response: Heroin and Social Problems “The daily hustle for heroin often forces users into other illegal activity, like petty drug dealing, prostitution and burglary, to support their habit, and creates an expensive, unproductive revolving door between prison and the street. Methadone, covered by insurance, frees people from this…