Author: cjtrowbridge
USP 515 Session 7 Notes
October 5th and 7th Session Seven: Health Justice: Case Study of Covid 19 In this session we will examine how the Covid 19 pandemic has further exposed social and environmental injustices in the United States. We will focus on what students learned through Assignment #1. ASSIGNED READING FOR SESSION SEVEN Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19…
USP 514 Session 7 Notes
October 5th Session Seven: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Plans This session will focus on how urban administrators have developed approaches to promote sustainable development. The following questions will frame our class discussion. What are the SDG’s? The SDGs are a uniform set of goals for sustainable development which evolved out of decades of work…
USP 514 Assignment 1
ASSIGNMENT #1 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – DUE OCTOBER 5TH Read and complete the assignment below. Send via email to no later than October 5th Write “514 Assignment #1″and your name in subject line of the email 1) Ideally you will do this assignment by walking through the geographic area you live in wearing a mask and social distancing.…
USP493 Session 5 Notes
Intro to Statistical Inference The difference between populations and samples Statistics and parameters Using probability sampling to induce population parameters How to sample Simple random sample Stratified samples Systematic samples Population, sample and sampling distributions Sampling distribution defined – the distribution of all possible samples of size n from a population Population, sample and sampling…
USP 515 Session 6 Notes
September 28th and 30th Session Six: Unequal Protection from Harm Discussion Questions In this session we will examine the concepts of “unequal protection”, “environmental racism”, and environmental justice” in relation to theory, policy and practice. We will address the following questions: What do we learn from reading Lawrence Summer’s memo? Why is it important that…
USP 514 Session 6 Notes
Session 6: Sustainable Development for Whom? Readings Development: Sustainable for Whom?, Franciscans Paper for United Nations Sustainable development often advertises itself as beneficial for everyone. In fact it’s usually not. The argument is that we need to expand the definition of sustainable development to include human rights and make sure not to intensify or exacerbate…
Power Systems
Basic Specs I’m using a 2kw battery. I use solar panels or a generator to charge the batteries throughout the day. This is more than enough power for my heat/ac, fridge, freezer, microwave, toaster, laptop, etc. Smart Power Sources I have two microgrids inside the camper. One is 120 volts and one is 12 volts. Both…
Building a Moving Cabin
ds for framing. Then I covered everything in flex seal which is basically bed liner. This is definitely overkill but I want to be sure I don’t have anything to worry about. The rear wall swings up to serve as the door, and is supported by a pair of gas pistons. I used Autocad to figure…
Hitchens on Kissinger
From this interview. Interviewer: Another member of your rose gallery is Henry Kissinger? Hitchens: Of whose rose gallery is he not a member? Mark Twain said that if you give a man a reputation as an early riser, he can sleep until noon. Kissinger has somewhere or another along the way earned a reputation as…
USP 515 Session 5 Notes
Session Five: The Politics of Pollution In this session we will discuss how decisions about the location and distribution of environmental benefits and hazards are made, under what institutional conditions these decision are made, who makes these decisions, and who benefits and does not benefit from these decisions. We will address the following questions: What…