Author: cjtrowbridge
Virtualizing An Application Server
Another department at Tech 2U performs diagnostics on lots of computers. They use a proprietary tool that they built which deploys diagnostic tools on customers’ computers during tech support services. This tool was built years ago by someone who no longer works here. He used a baremetal Apache server to host the tools. This server…
Starting PrEP
I recently found myself explaining PrEP to my mom.I decided to create a post to help other people who might need to explain the decision to start PrEP. PrEP is an AVR or an antiretroviral drug. The World Health Organization recommends that all men who have sex with men should take AVRs. PrEP is a combination…
“A distance hung between them now…”
“It’s over,” she said, stepping beneath the arch, into shadow. “What’s over?” He followed, the straw basket rubbing against his hip. The sand here was cold, dry, loose between his toes. “Over. Done with. This place. No time here, no future.” He stared at her, glanced past her to where rusted bed- springs were tangled…
$2 Wells at Faces middle bar with @romothegod ! 😍😍😍
$2 Wells at Faces middle bar with @romothegod ! 😍😍😍