Category: The Levels Challenge: Build 12 Startups in 12 Months
Startup 3: Draupnr
This is part of a series on Building 12 Startups in 12 Months. This is product number three: Draupnr! Serving a folder full of html files will always be orders of magnitude faster than any dynamic, scripted site. It also requires orders of magnitude less in resources and thereby cost. Also, this paradigm allows better…
Startup 2: RSI Alert
This is part of a series on Building 12 Startups in 12 Months. This is product number two:! What Inspired This Project? I follow a few dozen stocks and do some day trading in my spare time. Working on a previous project Securities.Science, I did some research into strategies using RSI to decide when to buy…
Startup 1: Securities Science
This is part of a series on Building 12 Startups in 12 Months. This is number one: Securities.Science! What Inspired This Project? My first startup in the series is Securities.Science. It lets users run queries against historic stock trading data in order to test theories and strategies. All data is public and everyone can see…
The Levels Challenge
Pieter Levels has been a very inspirational figure for me. I have been thinking a lot about his series of blog posts, “Building 12 Startups in 12 Months.” I really enjoyed reading these, and I really liked his definition of what a startup is. In this context, a minimum-viable-product which is publicly available for people to use online.…