Author: cjtrowbridge
Choking Someone is Felony Assault and Attempted Homicide
There have been several high-profile cases in the news this week about people choking people. I wanted to bring it up and talk about some important facts. Consent must be talked about before-hand. Non-consensual choking, even during consensual sex, is strangulation. It is felony assault and it is attempted homicide; with a mandatory prison sentence.…
Deviance and Justice Quote
“Individuals who fight to change the established social order sometimes face the possibility of being labeled deviant—and even mentally ill. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, for instance, women in Britain who demonstrated for women’s right to vote were widely viewed to be mentally ill. When a person’s or a group’s behavior challenges…
Saunt Augustine on Duty and Praise
“In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.” -Saint Augustine
Proud of Howard for this decision which will certainly be interesting to see implemented. Even in my own town, I have seen Starbucks turn people away for being “the wrong kind of person.” Makes me so angry. Now they can’t! 😍
Proud of Howard for this decision which will certainly be interesting to see implemented. Even in my own town, I have seen Starbucks turn people away for being “the wrong kind of person.” Makes me so angry. Now they can’t! 😍
A New Subtitle; A New Chapter
I put a great deal of thought into the subtitles I use on my website, blog, github, linkedin, etc. The backdrop for this decision is that I have been going through a period of great change in my life. I left a dead-end software engineering job and decided to go back to school in order…