Author: cjtrowbridge
Transgender History by Susan Stryker
I read this book as part of a LGBT studies class at Sierra College for my degree in Social Justice. It’s a great read and eponymously covers the history of an important marginalized group in America; transgender people. As always, I am happy to share the audiobook with any friends who want a copy. This…
Plan: Trowbridge Marketing
I have owned this company for 15 years since I started it at age 14. My strategy has always been to accept essentially any work. I want to narrow my focus and think more strategically. Different types of gigs come with enormously different amounts of work, reward, and prestige. I’m done with schools. These are…
Plan: Bolt Action
I had the worst time trying to source a set of lag bolts for Burning Man online this year. I found them listed on Amazon for as much as $50 a set. This is absolutely insane. I went to the hardware store and put together a set from scratch which cost about $6. I intend…
Rules For Radicals by Saul Alinsky
This was a great book. I think it pairs naturally with Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People, Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power, and his other book, The Art of Seduction. Hillary Clinton famously wrote her dissertation about the work of Saul Alinsky, inventor of community organizing. Obama famously made this his…
Topic Paper: Intersectionality
CJ Trowbridge SOC 110: Intro To Social Justice 2018-09-11 Topic Paper: Intersectionality The authors of reading #4 state “from our perspective, no one form of oppression is the base for all others, yet all are connected within a system that makes them possible.” (pg. 23) Referencing your readings and our class discussion/lecture, discuss the impact…