Author: cjtrowbridge
My garden is swarming with spider plants. Does anyone need a house plant? Theyre probably the best house plant you can have, according to nasa. They remove more contaminants from the air than any other plant which is nontoxic. Good for pets and freezies to a good home!
My garden is swarming with spider plants. Does anyone need a house plant? Theyre probably the best house plant you can have, according to nasa. They remove more contaminants from the air than any other plant which is nontoxic. Good for pets and freezies to a good home!
for some reason, tearing all her guts out, i felt like i was doing something bad =/
for some reason, tearing all her guts out, i felt like i was doing something bad =/
From a Future Me
I decided I want to write a journal entry from a future me who is closer to where I want to be. I intentionally used hyperbole to show goal states. I see myself waking up in a tiny home which looks like a cabin but on a flatbed trailer and easy to relocate. It sits…
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When I became aware that I was conscious, I looked around and saw that all around me was a turbulence, a rushing; and it was made of stars and men. The turbulence made a sound. It was like the roaring of a thousand oceans, louder than ears could ever hear. I was floating and I was…