Author: cjtrowbridge
Saguaro National Park
(View the full photo album here) I started by picking up an annual pass and a passport to all the parks. This will get a lot of use this year. The cool thing about Saguaro National Park is really just the Saguaro cacti. These are basically everywhere in Arizona but they are very dense here.…
Next we stopped at Cosanti in Phoenix on the way to Saguaro National Park. This is where Soleri lived and worked while he was building Arcosanti. They still do a lot of similar bronze and ceramics work at Cosanti today just like Arcosanti. Here is the ceramics working apse at Cosanti. The tunnel at the…
Session 2
Review Article Objections raised by author Computers are merely “serial” but brains are “parallel.” Computers are “digital,” but brains are “analog.” Computers cannot generate emotions, but brains do not generate emotions. Definitions Parallel vs serial Digital vs analog Cognitive science perceived gap in research areas: no science of cognition no systematic exploration of central questions…
Session 1
January 27th Session One: Acknowledgement of Ohlone Territory Introduction to the Course / Current and Future Concerns, Challenges, and Hopes for Urban Futures Amanda Gorman’s Inauguration Poem: Part One: Introductions, review syllabus, grading, and Zoom policies. Cities are planned by urban planners city government state government national government developers – non-profit/ for profit social movements…
PHIL 621 – Session 1
Housekeeping Professor likes to use green checkmark feature in the participants list of zoom Writing Assignment 1 Do you accept the proposition that your brain is a computer? Why or why not? There are many computational processes happening in the brain, but brains are not deterministic machines. There is a great deal of probability, fuzzy…
(View the photo album with full quality pics, photospheres, and panoramas) To say I was really excited would be an understatement. I have been obsessed with this place for years and finally I get to see it in person! This was my view for the week from a camp site behind the arcology, looking out…
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Organ Pipe National Monument was pretty cool to see. Lots of weird and interesting plants. I’m glad I stopped by. Here is me with an Organ Pipe Cactus. It’s so named because it looks like the pipes from a church organ. I camped at Gunsight Wash as recommended by the friends I made in Quartzsite.…
Quartzsite and the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR)
Here’s me, the moving cabin, and my first ever Saguaro on the morning when I arrived at Quartzsite! I met up with a group of nomads and we camped together for several weeks. The meetup was very very strict with covid compliance which was great. We had a great time getting to know each other…
Your Actions Stem Inexorably From Your Principles
Your actions stem inexorably from your principles. “Even if you don’t believe, you cannot travel in any other way than the road your senses show you. And you must walk that road to the end.” -American Gods I see a common theme in popular discourse where people look at a given situation and think, “Oh…
Ready Player Two by Earnest Klein
This book was really bad. It manages to somehow be worse than the first one. Honestly I wish I had never read either of them. It’s basically just exactly the same story as the first book but somehow also a rip-off of Neuromancer without any of the good parts. 0/10. Do not recommend.