Author: cjtrowbridge
USP 530 – Session 6
March 3rd Session Six: Surveillance in Cities – Assignment #1 DUE TODAY This session will focus on the impact of increased surveillance in cities. For every 1,000 people in SF, there are over 3 cameras and the District Attorney’s office has access to almost ⅔ or their data (ABC7 News). Cameras are disproportionately in Tenderloin, Chinatown,…
USP 530 – Assignment 1
CJ Trowbridge 2021-03-02 USP 530 Assignment #1 Choose a social problem that will impact cities in the future and use the healthy cities wheel framework to identify how urban authorities should address this problem – fill out every section of the wheel. Assemble a diverse and inclusive group There are many different kinds of…
Yosemite National Park
(You can view the full album here) I know what you’re thinking. You stopped at Yosemite in between Texas and Florida? Well yes but there are three reasons. First, I had to get my car smogged in California. Second, Texas was a fucking mess at this point. Third, the firefalls! Also I was lucky enough…
USP 530 – Session 5
This session was canceled February 24th Session Five: Alternative Business, Housing, and Food Ownership Models and Structures I Alternative Business Ownership Structures: Worker Owned Cooperative Businesses Worker-owned cooperatives are businesses that are owned and managed by their workers. Although there are variations, typically, each worker owns a share and all shares are owned by…
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
(View the full album here) Carlsbad Caverns is an amazing place, just like all the national parks are. I was excited to learn that they take masks and social distancing very seriously. Everyone must have masks on everywhere in the park, even outside or down in the cave. Very cool and practical dedication to safety.…
Session 4
February 17th Session Four: Reducing Social and Racial Inequality: Basic Income, Universal Health Care, New Deal Type Stimulus Package for Job Creation, Affordable Housing, Eliminating Student Debt, Reparations, The People’s Budget This session will focus on the increasing social inequality in the United States and its consequences. We will be guided by the following questions: Notes…
Prompt: Is psychology a real science?
Psychology can not be a “real science” until it acknowledges the simple truth that it is not making objective, deductive claims. In reality it is making inductive claims based on limited data. This distinction is vital. Throughout history psychologists have reached countless absurd conclusions which have done enormous damage precisely because they failed to adequately…
Session 3
Session Three: Healthy Cities Movement Framework and Information for Assignment #1 Due March 3, 2021 This session will focus on the “healthy cities movement”, a long-term international development initiative sponsored by the World Health Organization that places health high on the agenda of decision makers and promotes comprehensive local strategies for health protection and sustainable…
Communal Effort
In my capacity as regional co-chair of Burners Without Borders, I once asked some of my peers if there is a manual somewhere for how to respond to disasters. That’s what we do. We respond to disasters and provide things like shelter and critical infrastructure. Unfortunately there is currently no repository of tools and strategies…
I have done a great deal of personal research and interviews with people in experimental and improvised communities about how they address individual-scale solutions to infrastructure problems. I’ve taken countless pages of notes and countless photos of the examples. As regional co-chair of Burners Without Borders, I am also working on deploying these solutions at…