Author: cjtrowbridge
Is this idiot paying to clean all the ash off my car? Lawn chair for scale.
Is this idiot paying to clean all the ash off my car? Lawn chair for scale.
Too spooky for me. #starbucks #tobeapartner #halloween #spooky #skeleton #coffee
Too spooky for me. #starbucks #tobeapartner #halloween #spooky #skeleton #coffee
Kimchi sriracha pepperoni and scotch/ipa with rising tide. Perfect way to end the day. #civilization #civilizationbeyondearth #tbs #scotch #ipa #johnniewalker #johnniewalkerblack #whisky #whiskey #ipa #indiapaleale #pizza #littlecaesars #kimchi #miso #sriracha #food #photography #photo #art
Kimchi sriracha pepperoni and scotch/ipa with rising tide. Perfect way to end the day. #civilization #civilizationbeyondearth #tbs #scotch #ipa #johnniewalker #johnniewalkerblack #whisky #whiskey #ipa #indiapaleale #pizza #littlecaesars #kimchi #miso #sriracha #food #photography #photo #art
Why Gigs?
I was 14 when I had my first gig. I was suddenly DJ-CJ and making well over $100/hour… every once in a while. Today, things are different. There are any number of apps which will pay you to do work for them whenever you feel like it. This offers enormous flexibility and freedom alongside job-security and the…
How Google Works by Eric Schmidt
This great book came recommended by Upendra Kulkarni who I talked with at some length about my interest in business applications for machine learning. This is one of those books that I immediately know I will be thinking of for years to come. I found it very enlightening; from a leadership perspective as well as an employee…
Im not sure exactly why, but this makes me super angry. #fuckfacebook #antisocialnetwork #garbage #trash #fail #badux #horribleux #designfail #obsolescence #obey #obeypropaganda #theylive #stayasleep #consume #consumption #consumerism #normal
Im not sure exactly why, but this makes me super angry. #fuckfacebook #antisocialnetwork #garbage #trash #fail #badux #horribleux #designfail #obsolescence #obey #obeypropaganda #theylive #stayasleep #consume #consumption #consumerism #normal