Author: cjtrowbridge
#CATAPULT #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinter #3dprinting Hard to do with one hand. Why does Instagram make you hold down the record button? WHY!?
#CATAPULT #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprinter #3dprinting Hard to do with one hand. Why does Instagram make you hold down the record button? WHY!?
Startup 1: Securities Science
This is part of a series on Building 12 Startups in 12 Months. This is number one: Securities.Science! What Inspired This Project? My first startup in the series is Securities.Science. It lets users run queries against historic stock trading data in order to test theories and strategies. All data is public and everyone can see…
Essay: Populism
CJ Trowbridge Carrigan 2017-05-08 English 1A Tue/Thu What do Donald Trump, Theresa May, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Adolph Hitler all have in common? There are lots of easy answers, but a harder one might explain the easy ones and more; populism. What is populism and what causes it? According to The Economist,…
When people understand you and the losses you have suffered.
When people understand you and the losses you have suffered.
💩 Chris Guillebeau – The $100 Startup
This book is a great primer on bootstrapping what it calls a “micro-business,” or a one-person business. There are lots of great tips about how to build the first relationships and focus on creating value for your product or service. There is also some focus on how to identify the business that will fit well with your…
#guardians2 @bentrowbridge @the_trowbro #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2
#guardians2 @bentrowbridge @the_trowbro #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2