Author: cjtrowbridge
Sam Harris’ Waking Up Podcast – What Happened to Liberalism?
“The united front of the [American] left broke down over identity issues… There was a retreat to the universities… People on the left really abandoned electoral politics and instead develop this idea that all social change happens through social movements that are tied to identity. And we ended up with gender theory and race theory…
This Week in Startups – Casey Winters and Jason Calicanis talk about CAC and Planning Sustainable Growth
In this great episode, Casey and Jason go in depth on topics around customer acquisition cost and how to measure the sustainability of your product or service’s key actions. This feeds into a great conversation about what steps to take before a growth phase to make sure you can survive it. This leads into a…
If you’ve ever considered those street hot dogs in SF, I vote very yes.
If you’ve ever considered those street hot dogs in SF, I vote very yes.
“I’d like a water.” “Would you like a black or a blue bottle?” “What’s the difference?” “The color.” Haha 😂😂
“I’d like a water.” “Would you like a black or a blue bottle?” “What’s the difference?” “The color.” Haha 😂😂
❤️ Robert Greene – The 48 Laws of Power
This book was recommended by a friend. He said it reminded him of a shared favorite of ours, How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It reminds me of The Game by Neil Strauss. This book could be used for great evil, or for good. And like The Game, it will certainly…
Stickered up my new laptop. #sql #mysql #soylent #php #oregon #burningman #softwareengineering #softwareengineer #asus #chrimebook
Stickered up my new laptop. #sql #mysql #soylent #php #oregon #burningman #softwareengineering #softwareengineer #asus #chrimebook