Author: cjtrowbridge
After countless attempts and years of effort, I have finally managed to germinate a baobab. 😀❤️🌱
After countless attempts and years of effort, I have finally managed to germinate a baobab. 😀❤️🌱
Defining Evil
This is an important word which serves to define the things we ought not to do. I choose to accept Philip Zimbardo’s very studied definition; Evil is intentionally acting or causing others to act in a way that dehumanizes, harms, or kills innocent people. The top two reasons people or groups become evil are the…
Tim Ferriss – The 3 Critical Rules of Branding
What unique benefits does this company/product deliver and who are your 1,000 true fans? How can I turn my casual fans into die-hard fans? “Focus on what fucking matters and let the rest follow.” These are the fundamental questions he asks through his three rules of branding. This is a really great episode about differentiating…
Look! They have pendants for people who are not ready for Xmas to be in stores! ❤️❤️
Look! They have pendants for people who are not ready for Xmas to be in stores! ❤️❤️