Author: cjtrowbridge
Defining Evil
This is an important word which serves to define the things we ought not to do. I choose to accept Philip Zimbardo’s very studied definition; Evil is intentionally acting or causing others to act in a way that dehumanizes, harms, or kills innocent people. The top two reasons people or groups become evil are the…
Tim Ferriss – The 3 Critical Rules of Branding
What unique benefits does this company/product deliver and who are your 1,000 true fans? How can I turn my casual fans into die-hard fans? “Focus on what fucking matters and let the rest follow.” These are the fundamental questions he asks through his three rules of branding. This is a really great episode about differentiating…
Look! They have pendants for people who are not ready for Xmas to be in stores! ❤️❤️
Look! They have pendants for people who are not ready for Xmas to be in stores! ❤️❤️
Sam Harris’ Waking Up Podcast – What Happened to Liberalism?
“The united front of the [American] left broke down over identity issues… There was a retreat to the universities… People on the left really abandoned electoral politics and instead develop this idea that all social change happens through social movements that are tied to identity. And we ended up with gender theory and race theory…