Author: cjtrowbridge
Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
This is the third of five books in the Foundation series. It introduces Asimov’s mentalics motif in the main; we meet many characters who like the Mule, have the power of telepathic emotional control over others. We learn a lot more about Seldon and his plan. The plan and those who execute it are forced…
I glimpsed from behind as all the little chargers sang a song to the silent Nalgene. A song of light. Duality of particles and waves paralleling a duality of the senses; a synesthesia of tonality in vision; echoing a secret symphony in the silent darkness.
I glimpsed from behind as all the little chargers sang a song to the silent Nalgene. A song of light. Duality of particles and waves paralleling a duality of the senses; a synesthesia of tonality in vision; echoing a secret symphony in the silent darkness.
When the teacher uses the subjunctive tense. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
When the teacher uses the subjunctive tense. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
That moment when the anti-theft system kindly alerts would-be shoplifters that it is broken.
That moment when the anti-theft system kindly alerts would-be shoplifters that it is broken.
Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov
This is the second book of Asimov’s Foundation Series. This is a worthy sequel to a great start. 10/10. One of my favorite parts of this book is the way he chooses words and phrases, which seems different from his other books. He might describe two politicians who hold the same office; one who is…
Can anyone believe this was TEN years ago? I can’t. #tempusfugit #stillbesties
Can anyone believe this was TEN years ago? I can’t. #tempusfugit #stillbesties
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asmiov’s Foundation series and especially this first book are perhaps his greatest achievement. It’s no wonder this series won the Hugo for “Best Series of All Time.” The core question seems to be, “What if history is not on your side?” or perhaps, “What role does an individual play in history?” The story…