Author: cjtrowbridge
Walking back and forth between this room and the 90 degree weather outside KIILLLSSS 🙁
Walking back and forth between this room and the 90 degree weather outside KIILLLSSS 🙁
We see the world through goldschlaeger-flaked lenses.
We see the world through goldschlaeger-flaked lenses.
Blended Horchata con Cafe with a Trix Rice Crispy. Could a day get more magical?
Blended Horchata con Cafe with a Trix Rice Crispy. Could a day get more magical?
I close my eyes and I’m somewhere else. I’m sitting by a camp fire deep in the woods. All around me is a circle made up of people. Not just people, but monsters and demons. They’re all dancing as the circle goes round. I feel safe. I know all these souls. I’ve faced them and…
Big-Sky Special
A few years ago I was working in a quiet cafe full of retirees sipping coffee, and students quietly studying; when a man walked in who looked entirely out of place. He was clearly homeless. He had no shirt, no shoes. He was very dirty and smelled terrible. Everyone stared as he walked up to…