Author: cjtrowbridge
“Cant sleep in the city of neon and chrome”
“Cant sleep in the city of neon and chrome” #nofilter #iwokeuplikethis
Mmmm #2buckchuck which is actually #3buckchuck in oregon
Mmmm #pasta #charlesshaw #2buckchuck which is actually #3buckchuck in oregon #sriracha #mydrunkkitchen
New standing desk with twin 24″ 1080p lcds plus projector for maximum logistical productivity
New standing desk with twin 24″ 1080p lcds plus projector for maximum logistical productivity #battlestation #lg #dell #intel #productivity #logistics
I haven’t kidnapped you. I’m just not opening the door till the room is clean
I haven’t kidnapped you. I’m just not opening the door till the room is clean. #roomba #idontwanttosweep
Snow Crash Excerpt
“The Alaska Highway — is the world’s longest franchise ghetto, a one-dimensional city two thousand miles long and a hundred feet wide, and growing at the rate of a hundred miles a year, or as quickly as people can drive up to the edge of the wilderness and park their bagos in the next available…